Lock Up

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Honestly, you'd think I was sick of eating pancakes at this point, but it's honestly been my favorite part of this whole repeating nightmare! I just wish Mommy would've made me more than the 3 she gave today, but I'll still take that!

Mommy and Daddy are both still a blur...I can still see their figures, but for the life of me, I can't see their faces! It's honestly making me very sad; hopefully I can see them soon!

Anyway, I then wiped my mouth and started to leave the dining room, but then Daddy called out to me.

"Hey, Madison!"

"Yes, Daddy?"

"How are you feeling about tomorrow?"


"Oh, don't act like you forgot! I'm talking about your birthday!"

"My birthday...?!"

"Oh, dear!" Mommy cut in. "I think all those pancakes have messed with her mind!"

They both then chuckled. I honestly don't see what's so funny...grown-ups are weird.

"Well, we've got the place packed," Daddy continued. "Hopefully you'll make some new friends!"


"I mean it; those animals are cute and all, but you're at that age where you need to start making more...human...friends."

"Um...okay, Daddy."

"That's the spirit!"

He and Mommy just chuckled again as they went back to their stuff. That was weird...but why would Daddy want me to make more friends? Toy Golden Freddy and his friends are good enough friends for me. They wouldn't hurt me and they're always there for me!

I then got dressed and made my way to the front door, knowing full well that I'd end up anywhere besides school. I was very careful to check around for big yellow foxes before I left, though; she's the one that's given me the most problems in the day. Well, her and Springtime Bonnie.

I then opened the door, walked straight into the bright light, and waited. A second later, the light went away, allowing me to look around and see where I am. It only took a second for me to figure out that I was back in that colorful place that Springtime Bonnie lives! Oh, no...!

I need to find somewhere to hide from that scary monster before she finds me! I looked around, hoping and praying for someone or something that can help me! I didn't see the rabbit, but that doesn't mean she wasn't nearby...

Suddenly, I saw an open door! It was in the back of the building, but I didn't care; I was going to make it! I quickly sprinted across the room, not looking around me as I did. The sooner I got into that door, the better!

After finally running through the doorway, I slammed the door shut and started breathing really fast. Hopefully I'd be safe in here...right?

I turned around and gasped. Maybe this wasn't a good idea; I saw nothing but broken body parts everywhere! There was a yellow body with a missing head lying right in front of me, as well as a few heads on a shelf right above me! They looked like they belonged to yellow bears and rabbits...

I also saw a shiny skeleton on a table in the back! There were a few shiny bones right next to it, and they looked very scary! I think I even saw a lone shiny skull on the shelf, too...!

I turned back towards the door to try and open it...only to find out the door was locked! I instantly started banging it with my fists, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Please let me out!" I cried as I continued to bang on the door. I heard nothing in response, except for some more of that laughing I can't help but hear when something bad happens. It doesn't sound like a monster; it sounds more like a person. A much older person.

I continued hitting the door, trying my hardest to stay calm, but I quickly found out how impossible that was.

"PLEASE!" I screamed as I kept hitting the door. Nothing but more of that laughter...I think I heard a few more people laughing, as well!

I kept hitting the door with all my might, tears starting to fall like a fountain. I finally just collapsed on the floor, curled into a ball, and laid in a puddle of my own tears.

"...please let me out..." I said really quietly. I didn't have the strength to talk any louder; however, the laughter outside certainly did seem to get louder!

As I laid on the floor of a room filled with body parts of rabbits and bears while laughing could be heard outside, I couldn't help but wonder why this is happening. What did I do to deserve being in this situation? All I did was try and hide from the yellow rabbit...only to be locked in a room filled with her body parts...

I never felt more alone in my life...

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