Fun With Jay Jay

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I opened my eyes and saw darkness again. Oh, no; was I back in the scary nothingness I started in? Before I could think too much about it, I felt something in my hand. It wasn't soft, like the Golden Freddy teddy. It felt flashlight!

I turned it on and looked around. I was in the living room, in the same spot I was in when I fell earlier. When that red and white fox scared me...

I wondered what time it was. How long was I asleep? Didn't I have to go to school? I slowly stood up and walked to the front door. That's when I heard the whistle.

I turned around and didn't see anything. Was I imagining that? Maybe, but I'm not sure what's real or not anymore. That's when I heard it again. It sounded like it came from the hallway with the four doors and the chair at the end.

Using my flashlight, I quickly walked over there and saw nothing. It looked just like it did earlier, only darker. I shrugged and started to walk away. That's when I accidentally kicked something under my feet and heard a loud OUCH.

I looked down and saw what looked like one of my friends on the ground, but it wasn't one I remember seeing before. It kinda looked like Balloon Girl, but more torn up. And evil.

It then looked at me with its eyebrow-less face with a smile. Most people wouldn't be happy after being stepped on, I would think.

"Hi there!" it told me with a loud, squeaky voice.

"Uh...hi?" I replied.

"Hey, why so nervous?"

"Um...because you look..."



"Don't worry, kid. I'm not gonna hurt ya!"


"Really! As long as you play my little game and play it right!"

"Game? What game?"

"Well, I assume that's why you came over here, right? So you could play my game!"

"No, I came over here because I heard whistling!"

"That I made because I could tell you wanted to play my game!"


"Look, kid, do you want to play or not? Because if you don't, I'm gonna have to hurt you."

She said that last part with her super-sharp teeth in a giant grin.

"No! Don't hurt me!" I screamed as I felt my tears come back.

"Sheesh, kid! Relax! I'm only kidding. Or am I...?"

"Okay!" I told it as I wiped my eye. "I'll play!"

"Hooray!" The Animationic said as it jumped with joy. "Now, let's start by introducing myself. I'm JJ, but you can call me Nightmare Balloon Girl."

"That's a weird name."

"Well, it's the one you created, kid!"

What did THAT mean?

"Anyway, on to the game, which is easy! I'm going to sit in that chair over there," she explained as she pointed at the end of the dark hallway. "When I say 'go', I'm going to slowly make my way to the X on the floor!"

I shines my flashlight on the floor and saw a giant white X at the end of the hallway. How did I miss that earlier?

"All you have to do to win is stop me when I'm on the X!" she concluded.

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