Hate It

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I left the room and went towards the dining room again. As I walked down the hallway, I looked at the chair at the end and couldn't help but think about Nightmare Jay Jay. What was her problem? Is she even real? Was she really going to hurt me if I failed her game? Hopefully I'll never find the answer to that last question...

Anyway, I got back to the dining room and saw the two figures I saw yesterday. My mommy and daddy. I still couldn't see many details besides their figures, but hopefully I'll find out more, soon. I smell more pancakes as I entered the room, which instantly made me smile like crazy! I got back onto my chair and saw 5 pancakes on the plate! It was one less than yesterday, but oh, well!

After quickly gobbling them up, I wiped my mouth and got off my chair.

"Stay safe on the way to school, Madison!" I heard as I left the room.

"I will, Daddy!" I replied as I ran to my room and got dressed.

After putting on my clothes, I grabbed my backpack and walked towards the front door. I paused right before I walked in front of the TV. For all I knew, that scary fox was going to be behind there again... I really hope she wasn't!

I slowly tiptoed towards the front door, staring at the TV in the process. Everything seemed to be fine; let's hope it'll stay that way!

I finally touched the doorknob and sighed with relief. I then turned it and opened the door. Outside, it was very bright, just like the windows! I couldn't see anything in front of me at all, and my eyes were starting to hurt! Nonetheless, I slowly walked towards it, preparing for anything.

I kept walking forwards in the light, trying to find some sort of end. I was walking for what seemed like forever, and there honestly didn't seem to be any sort of stopping! My eyes were burning badly as I kept going, hoping I get somewhere safe soon!

Finally, I felt something in front of me. It thought it was a wall, since it was so smooth and flat. I then felt around a bit, though, and found what looked like a long, thick pole attached to it. I grabbed the pole and pulled towards me. I could feel it moving towards me as I did. Was this a door? To what, I wonder?

I answered my question as I walked into the open door and the bright light went away. I had to blink a few times, but I managed to see the color yellow. A bit more blinking revealed the color purple. And blue. And red. And green. After a few more seconds, I made a bit more sense of where I was. I saw a bunch of red tables everywhere, each decorated with colorful balloons.

I saw a bunch of children running all over the place, laughing and giggling. They were eating pizza and cake, as well. Overall, they just seemed happy. But for some reason, I wasn't.

There was something about this place that just threw me off. I should be happy here, but I'm not! I just have a feeling that makes me nervous and uneasy... I gotta get out of here!

I turned back towards the door and tried to open it, but I couldn't! I kept pushing and pushing with all my might, but I just couldn't! The tears came back to me as I kept on pushing and pushing and the door just wasn't opening!

I then heard a noise that sounded like it came from the other side of the door! It was too bright to see anything, but I thought I heard what sounded like a car or something starting up and driving away. Before it left completely, I thought I heard someone out there yelling, "See ya later, loser!" After that, laughter and tires squealing.

I then ran to one of the tables, ducked under it, and cried. As I laid there, curled in a ball, I wondered why I was here, and who yelled at me, and why I couldn't leave! The biggest question on my mind, though, was why I had such a bad feeling about this place. I feel like I remember this place, but I don't remember why I'm so scared to be here!

"She left without you."

I heard the voice of the yellow rabbit again. Where was it coming from? Does she know what's going on?

"She knows you hate it here."

Who's "she"? That mean person who called me a loser? Well, I'd assume so. But why did she leave me here if she knows I hate it here? And why would she call me a loser? What did I do to deserve being called that?

"You are right beside the exit. If you run, you can make it!"

But...the doors are locked! I just tried it! Unless...the yellow rabbit unlocked them for me?

"Hurry; run toward the exit!"

Well, I'm going to have to trust him! I wiped my tears and runny nose as I climbed out from under the table and ran towards the doors. Nobody was in sight; maybe I really could make it!

Suddenly, before I could get to the doors, a giant yellow figure appeared from out of nowhere! She was very tall and very, VERY scary! I looked up and saw it was looking down at me! It had giant teeth, bright eyes and a giant purple top hat! It kinda looked liked the yellow rabbit that's been following me, but scarier!

"It's too late! Hurry the other way and find someone who will help! You know what will happen if she catches you!"

I wasn't going to question the friendly yellow rabbit's advice! I quickly ran the other way, looking for somewhere to get away from the scary rabbit behind me!

I then looked to my right and saw a giant red door that read "Employees Only". I know! I can get one of the people who work here to try and help me! With that, I ran towards the door and pushed it open. I looked around and saw a lot of old gaming machines and decorations. I also saw what looked like a woman in a purple suit holding a yellow rabbit's head! I thought I heard her saying something, too...

"Alright, bozo; apparently, these suits are really sensitive, so you gotta be careful when you're wearing them. Just walk around slowly and talk as little as possible. If you don't, there's a good chance you'll die. Personally, I don't buy it; it's just a way to scare the newbies."

It looked like she was talking to the body of the yellow rabbit, which was standing upwards and towards her. She then placed the head back onto the body and the rabbit started looking around. He stopped when his eyes landed on me.

"Who's this kid?" I heard the rabbit ask.

The woman in purple looked towards where she was looking and he, too, saw me. Her eyes widened when she did.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" she snarled at me. "Get out! NOW!"

I gave a screech as the tears came back and I ran out of the room. When I was out, I heard the purple women mumble, "I hate kids..." before the big red door slammed shut. I kept on breathing and crying heavily as I looked around. I saw that the giant yellow bear was still by the entrance I came into! I still need to find someone who will help me!

I kept running the opposite way of the rabbit. There were a couple of kids who were giving me weird looks as I went by, but I didn't care! I needed to find help!

Finally, I saw something that made me stop in my tracks with fear. Ahead of me was the yellow bear and two rabbit on a platform, singing a song that honestly just sounded weird. They still looked scary and evil, and I felt myself backing up a bit.

"You can find help if you can get past them. You have to be strong!"

I realized that the friendly yellow rabbit was right; I needed to be strong and get past them!

I held my breath and slowly walked towards the stage. I was moving ever so closer towards the bear and a rabbit, who were still looking scary and evil. I wasn't going to lie; I actually felt confident! I was honestly feeling like they weren't going to hurt me! That's when I felt something behind me touch me.

I turned around and saw another yellow rabbit right behind me, grabbing onto my shoulder!

"Hey there, Kiddie!" Springtime Bonnie told me. "Are you lost?"

I lost it. I dropped to the floor and cried really loudly. I had evil bears and rabbits after me, and a purple women was yelling at me and said she hated me! I couldn't take it anymore! I need to get out of here, but I can't!

"Tomorrow is another day."

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