Final Fun with Jay Jay

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Everything went dark again as I could tell I was in a different place. This place was too familiar to me at this point...and it's inhabited by an interesting nightmare toy that may or may not actually kill me.

I got up and saw that giant metal grin right in front of my face. It startled me a bit as I backed up. She then just cracked up laughing.

"Man, you get scared easily, you know that?" She asked as she continued to laugh. I just groaned with anger as I got up and stared the robotic toy in the eye.

"Can we just get this over with?" I asked with a hint of annoyance.

"Alright, alright!" She said as her smile went away. "No need to get moody!"

I just sighed as I saw her go down the hall slowly. If she went that slow in the actual game, I think I'd have a better time playing.

"You ready?" She asked after a minute.

"Yeah!" I replied.

"You better be; you only have 30 seconds!"

"Of course..."

"Good luck! Now, let's begin in 3...2...1...GO!"

I then held my breath as I waited for signs of NIghtmare Jay Jay's movement. Thirty seconds sure didn't seem like a lot of time, so I better make sure to only turn on the flashlight when I needed to. Of course, there was only one time when I NEEDED to...

I quickly heard that familiar scuffle in the hallway. I turned the light on and saw Nightmare Jay Jay quickly duck into the front door on the right side. She was really close now; let's hope she doesn't get too close.

I kept listening a bit more. No movement for a while...surely she's not trying to make me lose on purpose by not moving, is she? If she is, that's just a mean thing to do! Of course, it's Nightmare Jay Jay we're talking about; she may have signs of a heart, but she also has signs of wanting to kill me in awful ways.

That's when I finally heard scuffling again. I shine the light and saw her drop down on the X! I had won again!

"Wow; you're the first person to win 4 times in a row!"

"Well, maybe I'll win 5 tomorrow!"


She then started cackling evilly; it really freaked me out.

"Girl, this was the final game!"


"Well, can't you read? The title of the chapter was 'Final Fun with Jay Jay'!"

"The title of the...what?"

"Nevermind...the point is that we're done now!"

"Oh...but, why?"

"Personally, it's because I'm annoyed at how good you are; honestly, it's're not gonna be around much longer."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Oh, you'll see. I'll just say this: happy birthday."

She clapped her hands and everything went dark, leaving me all alone. What just happened...? What did she mean when she said I wouldn't be around much longer? And why did she wish me happy birthday? Was it my birthday already? Well, if it was midnight, then I would think it would be.

...wait; midnight...!

Everything flashed again as I felt myself moving.

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