Your Broken

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I finally regained feeling in my body. There are three things I noticed right away: I was back in the endless darkness, I was on my knees, and my head really hurt. Even though I had feeling, I didn't move. I was just staring forward in shock. I finally remembered everything.

The party. The meanies. The rabbit. The bite. I remember it all. I remember it and I feel awful.

It's almost crazy, when you think about it; I survived five nights against scary monsters, as well as four rounds against Nightmare Jay Jay's game...only to have my head bitten by Springtime Bonnie because of those 4 bullies...

I couldn't hold it back anymore; I started crying harder than I ever had before. As the tears started pouring down, my body shook and I started coughing uncontrollably. I couldn't believe this happened to me! I'm only a kid! This stuff doesn't happen to kids! Kids are supposed to be happy and joyful and...alive!

"Can you hear me?"

I tried holding in the tears. Was...was that the fox? The one who did nothing but torture me?

"I...don't know if you can hear me..."

She sounded upset...almost as upset as me!

"...I'm sorry..."

Did I hear sniffles after that? Was...was she really sorry for what she did? I mean, she tortured me, scared me, and even hurt me! And now she's sorry? That doesn't make sense...monsters aren't supposed to apologize...of course, kids aren't supposed to be tortured, so anything's possible...

I then looked ahead of me again and saw them. In the back were my 4 "friends", Toy Golden Freddy, Toy Springtrap, Salvagio, and Funtime Foxy. In front was the yellow rabbit plushie I first met when I first found myself in this darkness. My tears stopped. I wasn't sad anymore; I was angry.

"You're broken," the yellow rabbit told me.

"Yeah," I replied coldly. "Because of all of you!"

Suddenly, I saw Funtime Foxy slowly disappear until she was gone completely. The yellow rabbit plushie, though, looked sad.

"But...we're still your friends..." she told me quietly.

Salvagio disappeared, too, but I didn't care.

"Do you still believe that?"

Toy Springtrap was gone, next. I didn't care, though; I just quickly extended my arm and punched the yellow rabbit plushie in the face!

When she got back up, she looked very hurt, physically and emotionally. I never thought a plushie could look so sad.

"I'm still here," she continued.

Toy Golden Freddy faded away, leaving me and the yellow rabbit plushie alone. I was still angry at her for hurting me and bringing me this pain. I'm angry that the ones I thought I could trust would put my head in her mouth and hurt me, or as the yellow rabbit put it, "broke" me.

"I will put you back together..." she whispered.

"Get away from me."

She just stared at me with a terribly awful expression, one I never thought I'd see a toy make. She then closed her eyes and slowly shook her head before disappearing, herself.

I was now all alone again in the dark emptiness I found myself in at the beginning of this nightmare, still angry at all that's happened. That fox thinks she can just apologize to me for what's happened? Well, that's not good enough! Those animals need to pay for what they've done to me!

That's when everything got bright. I shielded my eyes and looked in front of me. I saw what looked like a very tall, skinny man with long fingers and a giant, round head. He slowly walked towards me until I could see him properly. He was wearing all black except for a white face and rosy red cheeks. He had a fang smile that kinda made me uncomfortable.

"I can make them pay," he simply told me in a voice similar to mine. "I can make them regret what they've done to you."


"Of course. I'm not like the adults; I'll never lie to children."

He then extended his hand with the freakishly long fingers towards me. I stared at it for a second before reaching out and grabbing it.

"You'll fit right in," he simply told me as everything got even brighter.

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