Ch. 17

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"Ugh I have the biggest migraine." Michelle complained while we sat at a diner for breakfast the next morning.

"Really? I wonder why. It's not like you chugged four and a half bottles of whiskey or anything." Ashlynn said then took a drink of her water.

"I did not chug four and a half bottles. I chugged one and a half." Michelle huffed as she rested her head on Luke's shoulder. Luke seemed perfectly okay with this seeing he put his arm around her. Ashton and Cameron was having their own conversation as Ashlynn was pretty much asleep on Calum's shoulder. Only then did it come to me.

"You all are dating, aren't you?" I asked eyeing them. They all nodded like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Damn Stacy is going to be pissed at us."

"What do you mean by 'us'? Last time I checked you were in a secret relationship with a certain member of One Direction." Cameron said resting her arms on the table while Michael was doing the universal signal to shut up. The girls looked at Michael with confused expressions.

"I'm just gonna go back to the bus now." I sighed and stood up walking out of the diner to the tour bus parked outside. As I was walking out I heard Michelle say "What happened to her? Normally she would blush and tell us to shut up."


Thirty minutes passed and everyone was now in the bus and we were driving to the second to last location which happened to be mine and the girls home town and since it's our home town, were staying at our houses and the boys are staying in the bus or a hotel.

"So what hotel do you boys plan on staying in?" Michelle asked putting her legs across Luke's lap and leaning up against the wall.

"We actually planned on staying in the bus." Calum said pushing Michelle's legs off of Luke and sat in between them. This resulted in Michelle sticking her tongue out at Calum for making her uncomfortable. Calum being the child he is stuck his tongue out at her in return. Michael sat next to me and handed me a bottle of water.

"You okay?" He asked softly. I nodded while Calum and Michelle bickered.

"Why wouldn't I be? I get to kidnap my sister out of school with my band mates, I have one of the best bands in the whole world, and I kissed the most amazing kisser ever. How could I not be okay?" I said looking at him.

"It's just the way you left the diner after Cam brought up Niall." Michael said as I took a drink from my bottle. I nodded.

"Understandable how you would think I wouldn't be okay. But I'm fine. Trust me. There's nothing to worry about, Mikey." I smile and he returned it.

"Great. Now explain this kidnapping your sister you mentioned." Michael crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Oh, well you see, we kinda said to our siblings that when we get to Florida that we would sneak them out of school but in order to to that, we need your help." Ashlynn said joining in the conversation.

"Yeah, see Ashlynn, being the amazing hacker she is, hacked into to the schools sound system so we can play songs throughout the school." Cameron said.

"This is where Ashton comes in. He'll stay here in the bus and start playing songs off of Ashlynn's laptop while the rest of us goes into the school. Calum will flirt with the secretary while we all crouch down in front of the counter and walking threw the halls." Michelle added.

"From there, we split up. Michael and I goes and find my sister, Luke and Mich goes and find Ashlynn's sister while Cameron and Ashlynn goes and find her brother." I said.

"Once we find them, we meet back up where we split and sneak out of the school while Ashlynn and Calum stages a fight for flirting with the secretary." Cameron concluded.

"Yep. Easy." Ashlynn said with a smile.

"Easy my ass." Luke said. The boys nodded in agreement.

"What if we pass a teacher or something?" Michael asked as the bus came to a stop and Ashlynn handed Ashton her laptop. "And why can't you guys just check them out?"

"You'll find out if we get to that." I stated as we climbed out of the bus and walked towards the school. As soon as we approached the school you could hear the music Ashton was playing and everyone fussing and trying to figure out how to stop it. Calum walked in first while the rest of us crawled past.

"Excuse me. Uh, I was wondering if I could check out my sister." Calum said leaning up against the desk.

"I'm sure we can do that Mr...?"

"Oh, my name? I'll only tell you that if you tell me yours." Calum winked at her and I mentally gagged as I made it past and into the school. We stood up and dusted ourselves off.

"Okay, got the slips?" I asked the girls who nodded and went the direction of their sibling. I grabbed Michael's hand and started dragging him down the hall towards my sisters class room.

"Okay, what exactly will we do if we do pass a teacher?" Michael asked as we turned a corner just as a teacher was walking out of a class room.

"This." I said pulling him in for a kiss as I leaned against the lockers lining the hall. I wrapped my arm around his neck as he put his hands on my hips, deepening the kiss. The teacher walked past us and mumbled "teens and their minds only in a relationship to have sex". We parted from the kiss to take a breath just as the teacher turned the corner. I grabbed his wrist and walked a few lockers down and to the next class room door. I told him to stay there for a second while I went and got my sister. I opened the class room door expecting Lillie's teacher to scold me and ask why I was on campus and how I got past the secretary but the teacher was fast asleep and everyone was messing around and not doing work. I placed the fake check out slip on the teachers desk knowing that not even a band could wake him up and looked around for my sister. Once I found her I noticed she was sitting in the back of the class with a bunch of kids picking on her.

"What you gonna do now, Hemms? Your parents don't pay attention to you, they're to busy fighting about how messed up your sister is." One of the kids were saying.

"Speaking of, where is your sister? She couldn't be in college, she's not smart enough to fit in with all those people. She would be a misfit just like you." Said another.

"My sister is not an outcast." Lillie sniffled.

"If she's not an outcast then where is she? She clearly doesn't care enough about you to stick around." A third kid said.

"Yeah. I mean, at least my sister loves me enough to not leave for five months and then move to a new content." The first kid said.

"So, Flower, where is this sister you speak so highly of that doesn't even care about your sorry little ass?" The third kid asked. Lillie didn't speak up. She just slouched back into her seat sniffling. The kids laughed at her. "What about that brother, huh? Where's he? Oh that's right he left when you were little."

"Everyone's leaving you, Flower. And why? It's all because of you, you misfit."



I couldn't take it. My sister was now in tears. I had to do something. That's why I walked over to the blackboard, put my nails against it, and made that horrible sound.

"Now, I don't know about your siblings but I'm pretty sure one doesn't make this huge plan on taking them to the movies in the middle of your school day. And I'm pretty sure they don't tell their bus driver that 'speed limits are more of suggestions'. Oh and I'm most and absolutely am positive that your siblings wouldn't kiss someone they hate with a burning passion in order to not get in trouble for sneaking onto campus. So uh, Lillie sweetie, get your shit, I'm taking you to the movies with the girls and that other band and I have to apologize to my bus driver for telling him that speed limits are suggestions  and I have to go slap Michael for grabbing my hips." I said with a smile before walking towards the door. "Oh and by the way, that brother you mentioned about how he left because of Lillie? Yeah, get it right next time if you choose to use that against anyone I care about. He left because of his dumb mistake." I linked arms with Lillie and walked out of the door of the classroom. The three of us started walking back towards where we planned on meeting the others without any word of what happened in there.

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