Ch. 32

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"I can not believe you and Michael are going on your first date!" Ashlynn said sitting on her bed while she painted her toe nails.

"I can't believe they're doing an actually date and not movies in bed like they normally do." Cameron said standing in the doorway between our rooms. I heard Michelle scoff.

"Y'all can't believe all these ridiculous things when I'm over here not believing Lucy is debating whether or not she's gonna wear a dress or shorts. Two things I know she wouldn't be caught dead in unless it's for a school project or concert." Michelle said. I rolled my eyes at her.

"You know what, I gotta shower. One of you pick out what I'm going to wear. Ash, you're doing my hair so you don't get a say." I walked into the bathroom just as Ashlynn told me not to blow dry my hair. I stripped out of my clothes and climbed into the already turned on shower that I turned on before I picked out what I could wear. After my shower I dried off and wrapped a towel around me and my hair. I walked out and Ashlynn pushed me into an office chair. She undid my hair from the towel, spun me around to face the girls, and ruffled my hair to dry a little.

"So we decided on this." Cameron said holding up a mint green dress with a little bling on it, a white shoulder purse, white sandals, my moon necklace that matches the girls, and Michael's promise ring. I gave them a thumbs up as Ashlynn put the finishing touches on my hair and sprayed half a can of hairspray in my hair.

"Okay. You two, guard the door. One inside, one outside. Can't have Michael peaking." Ashlynn said. Cam and Mich got up and guarded the door while Ash helped me get dressed. Once dressed, I pulled my shoes on and placed Michael's ring on my right ring finger and put the moon necklace around my neck. Ashlynn placed the flower crown on my head and looked me over.

"Oh Michi, look at her! Our little Lucy Rose is all grown up!" She said spinning me around. I laughed. "Michael won't know what hit him."

"It's going to be me if he breaks her heart." Michelle said with her arms crossed leaning on the door. There was a knock at the door and Cameron opened it a crack.

"She good, or nah?" Cameron asked. Michelle looked me over before saying nah.

"Wait another minute and a half." Ashlynn added. Cameron closed the door after some complaints from Michael. Ashlynn smiled at me as she handed me a thing of clear lipgloss and my phone. She gave me a hug before pushing me over to Michelle, who also gave me a hug. Cameron slipped into the room and (surprise) gave me a hug.

"Have fun, but not to much fun. Alright?" Cameron said holding me at arms length. I let out a soft laugh and nodded. I'm guessing Michael knocked on the door and Michelle opened it standing there like an older sibling while Cameron and Ashlynn were the proud parents.

"Wow..." Michael said out of breath.

"Is something wrong? Is it to formal? I have a backup outfit if you want me to change..." I said.

"No no it's just... It's just I have probably the most beautiful girlfriend in the world... Like damn..." He said looking me over. I smiled.

"Have her back at the hotel by one. And I want a text telling me when youre here with a picture of your surroundings." Michelle said.

"And you," Ashlynn said pointing at me. "I want you to give us every detail of tonight tomorrow." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Yes mom." I joked taking Michael's arm and walking out of the room. We continued to walk to the elevators while they were still saying weird unnecessary rules. I turned and looked at them down the hall as the elevator doors opened. I flipped them off before taking one quick step into the elevator with Michael. He pressed the lobby button and the door closed.

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