Ch. 35

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The two-ish weeks that the boys had off break was almost over. Michael's parents were out so it was just the two of us at his place. Currently, we were in his man cave playing Mario Kart. I was in the lead with forty-five points and he was behind me in second with thirty-four points. Just as I was about to cross the line, a blue turtle shell showed up. I still ended up crossing the finish line before him, but the victory scene after I crossed showed my character being hit by a blue shell.

"Hey Kitten. How does it feel to lose? Huh?" I said jumping up from the sofa and doing my weird victory dance in front of him as he crossed the finish line. He tossed his controller into a chair before puling me onto the sofa under him. He had a smirk on his face while I bit my lip slightly. "You have to buy or cook food for me for a month now." I breathed out after a while of us just laying like that and staring at each other. He nodded in an "I know" fashion.

I could feel his heart beat just slightly faster then the normal beat. His breaths were warm and even. His green eyes held a look of lust in them and it was obvious he wanted to do something that he couldn't, well at least that he couldn't right now.

"Oh, screw it." Michael said. He smashed his lips onto mine and tailed on hand down to my hips while his other was under my neck deepening the kiss. Our lips moved in sync as I played with his hair. He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip asking for access which I dined. He then bit my lip making me gasp and he slipped his tongue in.

Just as it was about to get too intament, a window broke upstairs then a door closed very loudly but it wasn't a slam. There was muffled talking from upstairs as well.

"Are you're parents back?" I finally asked as Michael got off of me and walked over to the corner to pick up the baseball bat that was sitting there. He shook his head and walked over to the stairs and placed a hand on the railing but he didn't walk upstairs yet.

"No, they aren't. They're not supposed to be back till late." Michael said looking at me. "Plus why would they break a window to get in if they have a key?" I smirked and put one arm under my head for support.

"You know my sister. You know my front door doesn't always unlock. You know there's rocks on my porch. Do I need to paint you a full picture?" Michael rolled his eyes at me.

"Stay here, okay?" I nodded and he went upstairs with the bat. After a few minutes, there was a loud crash and thumps. My heart started to beat faster as I pulled my legs up to my chest and attempted to steady my breathing. The door opened and someone came downstairs.

"Michael?" I asked finding courage to speak. The person gave a hefty chuckle as he stepped around the corner of the steps.

"Oh look at this, the weak, little, now lifeless mutt has a bitch." As he said lifeless I felt tears started to brim my eyes. The man was wearing a ski mask and a black jacket. The gloves he were wearing I could have sworn I've seen before, even the voice sounded oddly familiar. He stepped closer to me and my breathing quicken. When He was almost to me I screw my eyes shut and waited for whatever he was going to do to happen. When nothing came I opened one eye to see why. What I saw was the guy knocked out on the floor with Michael standing there with a broken bat. I stared at him confused as to why I didn't here the bat snapped till I saw the blood that was quickly spreading around the guy. I let out the breath I've been holding when Michael picked me up from where I was and carried me upstairs where the police was already arriving. Tears started to fall down my face as I buried my head into his shoulder. Michael put me down and explained to the cop in charge what happened while other cops ran in to do whatever.

"Well, thank god you two are alright and these criminals didn't end up killing you and kidnapping your girlfriend like they were known too in the past." The cop said with a smile. Michael looked at me and nodded. "You should probably get where you got hit checked out by our M.E."

We walked over to the ambulance and sat down on the back.

"Lucy, say something. You haven't said anything since I went upstairs to see what was going on." Michael said. I looked down at my hands resting in my lap.

"He made me think you were dead..." I said after a few minutes. "I don't.... I don't think I would be able to live a life with you dead without going insane..." Michael took my hand in his which made me look up at him.

"I would rather die then let you get hurt even the slightest bit." Michael said. I smiled a small and almost invisible smile.

"I love you." I whispered, pecking his cheek.

"I love you." Michael replied just as his mom walked up with a look of pure terror. This would be interesting....

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