Ch. 47

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Everyone was just chilling in the living room after dinner as Lillie and Lola, Ashlynn's sister who is the same age as Lillie, were doing dishes and joking the whole time–with my help of course. Michelle's, Ashlynn's, and Cameron's parents were all being all lovey dovey on the sofas while my dad sat in his favorite rocking chair that I was told he always rocked me and Lillie to sleep in when we were babies. Ashlynn was sitting in front of her parents with Calum's head in her lap and her running her fingers through his hair. Luke was sitting in an armchair with Michelle sitting comfortably across his lap and her head on his shoulder, her eyes barely being able to stay open. Cameron and Ashton were in the same position as Ashlynn and Calum only in front of Cam's parents. Henry, Ashlynn's brother, and Mark, Cameron's brother, left before dinner since they were invited to their girlfriend's house to have thanksgiving dinner there. Michael was sitting outside finishing off his beer from dinner. He looked a little disappointed. I dried my hands off and left the girls to finish up. Walking back into the living room, I noticed that Ashton was now standing up and was talking to the group, loud enough for Lola, Lillie, and Michael to hear. I was confused at first as to what he was doing since they were waiting for the girls to be done the dishes before we started playing charades or something. I zoned out on what he was saying and focused my attention outside towards Michael. After a minute or so, Michael turned his attention to me and gave me a soft smile. A collection of gasp went around the room which caused me to break eye contact with Michael and see what was going on. Honestly I was shocked at what I saw. Ashton was down on one knee in front of Cameron holding out a silver engagement ring. My hand went to my mouth as I gave a silent gasp.

"Cameron Hood, will you marry me?" Ashton asked. Tears of happiness fell from Cam's eyes as she nodded, completely speechless. Everyone cheered as Ashton slipped the ring on her finger. I took this chance to slip outside where it's quite and where Michael sat as he drank his beer.

"So that happened." I said to Michael, making my presence known even if he already figured I joined him.

"I'm just glad he finally had the balls to do it." Michael tossed the beer bottle into the recycle bin before turning to me with a smile.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"He's been meaning to ask Cam to marry him for basically a month now but he never had the courage. Now I guess he worked up the courage to purpose to her in front of everyone." I gave a light nod. Michael took my hand and lead me over to the swing looking thing. I sat down next to him and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders as I rested my head on his shoulder. "So... About that rain check for that sentence you were so rudely interrupted during..." Michael said after a few minutes of us sitting in comfortable silence. I let out a scoff and rolled my eyes at him.

"You're a dork." I said shaking my head. "Like honestly how do you even have fans?"

"We hypnotized them with our dorkness."

"That explains so much." I looked up at Michael and saw him already looking at me with the biggest smile ever. And it wasn't one of those smirks or half smiles that he gives in pictures where one eye is close and his tongue is sticking out. No, this smile was a genuine smile and I love seeing it on him. When he wears that smile he looks like a different person, a person who has no worries and was never hurt.  When he wears that smile, it's like he makes whoever sees it worries and problems and fears and all the hurt they've been through disappear.

I just love his actual, genuine smile. Okay? And I just wish I knew what made him wear it so he would wear it all the time because it's just is so beautiful and it is so amazing on him that he deserves to feel whatever he feels when he wears it. He deserves at least that much in his life instead of being with a complete loser who's in a shit band and who's mom disowns her like me.

"Hey love birds, we're waiting for you to come in so we can to play charades." Lillie said popping her head out.

"Yeah so come on." Lola piped in also popping her head out from around the corner.

"Start without us. We'll be in in a minute." Michael said not taking his eyes away from mine. The door slid shut and I placed my hand on his cheek and connected our lips.

"I love you, kitten."

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