chapter 3: A lead not far from association

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"Ok I think we just lost all trace of them they're nowhere to be found, let's just contact the police." Naraku suggested, "No, if we did that we'd have more questions than answers, so to speak" Zetto replied. "Besides have you forgotten what that scroll can do?! with it they can alter the past and cause all kinds of damage, who knows why they wanted it in the first place, but still!" Just then zetto stopped and got out and leaned up against the car and thought. "Zetto what are you doing?" Shen asked. "Thinking" Zetto replied, with a somewhat angry tone."If they have it who knows where they are now, and it's only a matter of time until they figure out how it works, and when they do we're doomed, unless we can get it back of course but we have no lea-" Zetto then noticed something hanging on the back of the car. "What the...?" Zetto pulled off the remains of a shred of paper with dark blue paint, "Did they use this as some sort of mark for our car to find us?" Zetto said to Naraku & Shen. "Maybe so, but then again, what kind of lead would that be?" Shen said. "Hmm... "T. Albert", Gentleman I believe we have our lead." Zetto said confidently. "Who would that be?" Shen asked, "Quite simple, Thomas Albert, a writer for the city's local newspaper, he asked me to mold & cast a replacement for some of the metal letters for his typewriter, after which he sent me a thank you letter along with regards to future business cooperations with the same initials." Zetto explained. "Alright then let's go get him!" Naraku said excitedly. "Not yet" Zetto interjected, "He knows that I am more trustworthy towards those in Law enforcement, So I suggest we lay a trap for him and get a confession, we will arrive back at my office soon, I request that you two stay there while I gather a few officers, when I come back I will discuss the nature of my plan from there." "Ok then, let's go!" Shen said. As they returned to Zetto's office, as requested Naraku & Shen remained while Zetto went to gather the men needed in order to lay a trap for Mr. Albert, However as he was driving he noticed something rather peculiar, a silhouette of a man, lying face down across an alley! Zetto immediately stopped at got out, running towards the seemingly injured man. "Are you alright?!" Zetto said, "N-No, I was attacked by Mr. Albert and some other men, please help me!" The man pleaded. "Ok here let me help you into my car" Zetto helped the man get into his car. "Sir are you sure it was Mr. Albert?, I have reason to believe he has stolen something from me and my acquaintances as well." Zetto said. "Yes I'm sure it was, everyone knows that writer!" the man replied. "Ok I was heading to inform the police of a plan to get a confession for the item he had stolen but it looks like He will have more to confess to than just that." Zetto exclaimed. As they drove off to inform the police of what Mr. Albert did, their conversation continued with questions related to the matter of events that had occurred between the two. "Alright that was quite an interesting chat." Zetto said as they stopped and got out, walking towards the office of one Mr. Shamus Conrad, the Detective in charge of the investigation concerning Mr. Pollman a few weeks ago. "This man is Mr. Shamus Conrad, He was the Detective in charge of the case concerning Mr. Klavier Pollman Three Weeks ago, and He may be able to help us with our current problem as well." Zetto explained, "Good and thanks for the help, oh I never got your name Kind Sir." the man said. "Ah My apologies, My Name is Zetto K-" "Oh you're that man that Blacksmith." the man interrupted. "Huh it seems I have a reputation of sorts" Zetto thought. "My Name is Arthur Miles." said Arthur. "Nice to meet you, now we must inform Mr. Conrad of the events concerning Mr. Albert." Zetto said, They both walked into Mr. Conrad's office and told him what happened. "Well" Said Mr. Conrad, "This "Scroll"...It wouldn't happen to be this would it Zetto?" As Mr. Conrad pulled out the scroll from a drawer in his desk, Zetto could only stare in disbelief that Mr. Conrad had the scroll. "Yes that would be it. Oh! and This man has something to say about Mr.Albert." Zetto replied. "Is that so?" Mr.Conrad said, "Well if that is the case, Zetto I would like to talk with him in private." Zetto left Mr. Conrad to talk with Miles, He then returned to His office and informed Naraku & Shen that he did not plan to get a confession from Mr. Albert and He went to think about why they wanted the scroll in the first place.  

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