chapter 1: A lesson in patience

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Zetto awoke the next Morning to discover everything was as he left it, even the room where he keeps his smithing equipment was in it's...Rather "decent" condition, albit it being messy almost all the time. "It would be quite fortunate for that to have all been a dream, but sadly it does not seem that way" Zetto said to himself as he then found the scroll that was given to him to the elders of the temple, Shortly after pondering on whether to not open his shop, someone began knocking on his door. "A customer perhaps?", Zetto then opened the door to reveal a man with a mailbag standing at the door, "Hello, is this a Mr.-" before he could finish the sentence, Zetto intervened: "Yes I am Zetto, are you here to deliver something?", "Yes actually, this letter was said to be delivered to you at this date from a Mr...Uhh "Kit-sun", strange name but must be a foreigner from overseas, you seem to know quite a lot of people." Zetto then was in slight shock, but remained calm throughout the conversation with the man. "Thank you kindly, oh and send my regards to the Metropolitan Police for helping me with finding Mr.Pollman." "Will do Sir, and goodbye.", Zetto then stumbled into his office, gripping the letter with both hands, hoping that the name on the letter was not the same as he thought it was, he soon after gathered the courage to read it and it was from the very same fox demon that he had met, Shen, he then continued to read and discovered that both he and Naraku are in London, and would be arriving at his office shortly, Zetto was in total disbelief that not only that they had followed him back to his own time, but are coming to his office without attracting attention from any and all law enforcement! Zetto was quite baffled at how they managed to follow him back but he would rather wait to ask them questions and cross that bridge when he came to it, so he went over to where he had the scroll and proceeded to unravel it, revealing Green Kanji symbols that looked somewhat translucent. "This is interesting, I remember them sending me back with this but I can't remember how they did i-" There was another knock on the door, startling Zetto, He then hid the scroll in a small cabinet, in case someone took interest in or attempted to steal it. He opened the door to reveal a small fox, of a brownish yellow color and a tall man standing next to it. "Zetto, good to see you again." the tall man said, the fox scampered up behind zetto and into his house and up onto a chair and began to jump up and down excitedly. "Shen stop, I know we're both excited to see him again, but you don't need to put up an act just to show it." the fox then stopped jumping and lied down on the chair. "Well let's start with the most obvious question, Shen, Naraku, what are you two doing here and how did you get here?" "Well it's a long story but I'll make it short, Those elders told us to come with you in case someone like that Klavier guy shows up again, and we're here because you are the first, and as far as we know, only person that we know here. And Shen is a fox now for well obvious reasons, being that everyone would freak if they saw a young man with a large tail." Zetto then sat down in a chair to collect his thoughts, but before he could speak, someone knocked on his door again. "Did any of you two bring someone else with you?" They both shook their heads, and Zetto proceeded to open the door to find no one there, then before he could close the door gunshots blared onto and shattered his window where, in a flash, someone jumped into his house, broken into his cabinet, grabbed the scroll and darted off through the window again and into a vehicle and sped off in a matter of seconds. "Who the heck was that?!" Zetto yelled. "I don't know but they stole the scroll, Zetto you know the elders gave that to you for a reason! we HAVE to get it back!" "Ok! Ok! we will, we'll take my car," Zetto and Naraku ran outside towards Zetto's car, they got inside and Zetto started up the vehicle, "Tally Ho!" he yelled as they drove off after the men.

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