Chapter 7: Zetto's return

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As Zetto came through the door, He was greeted by Monica, Naraku and Shen, who all eagerly awaited his return. "Well lucky me, I get a welcome party." Zetto said sarcastically. Shen asked how things went, Zetto only replied with "Sorry Shen that would be confidential, but I will say that it went good." Monica sat down, as did Zetto, Zetto then asked Monica how she felt about their universe, Monica said that "Everything feels the same, but I know this not to be true, as everything is different." Zetto asked Shen and Naraku what they all talked about during his absence from the office, Shen replied with "We talked about the differences in our universes, We got some Tea, and I showed Monica your Scottish Claymore." Zetto nodded in response, and walked into His room, pulled out a paper from His desk and wrote a reminder of what time He should meet with His Client again, folded it up and slipped it into his pocket, and walked back into the room and said to Monica, "Are things to your liking?" "Yes." Monica said Just then there was a knock at the door, "Coming, hold on." Zetto said. As he opened the door he saw standing in the doorway a rather Middle aged Man in what looked like a brownish hunting garb or an overcoat of sorts. "Hello, Mr. Zetto Kuzuuya." the Man said. "My apologies, but have we met? If not then how do you know my name?" Zetto replied. "Sorry for the intrusion, My name is Sherlock Holmes." The man said. "And I have come here, because you of your client, Mr. Marcus Layton, has just been robbed, and you were the last person to meet with him, for a designs for a custom made 5 feet 27 lbs Scottish Claymore, like the one you own." "I can assure you Mr.Holmes that I did not steal or pilfer any of his belongings." Zetto said. "That remains to be seen, however evidence has been found leading to the assumption that someone else was at the scene of the crime, however I would like to have a word with you, in private if I may?" Sherlock asked. "Sure. Come upstairs and we can talk." Zetto said. As Zetto lead Sherlock upstairs to another room, He left Naraku, Shen, and Monica alone downstairs to talk amongst themselves about the current situation. "I didn't know about Mr.Holmes, wonder if he is new to their police department?" Naraku said. "I don't know, but if he is, he's pretty good, but how did he know zetto would answer the door"? Shen said. "Lucky guess, plus he could have saw him through the window, either way he seems like he's accusing Zetto without any evidence, and basing his theory on the fact that he was the only one there besides Marcus." Monica said. "Well that, it itself is kind of decisive, if they can find any evidence that proves zetto was really the only one there with him." Naraku replied. After nearly an hour, the Two Men came back downstairs, and Sherlock left. Zetto shortly after told the others what they talked about, only revealing minor details due to the fact that Marcus was robbed and most of the information was confidential. "It seems that there isn't a day that goes by that something goes wrong." Zetto sighed. "Everyone, it looks like we're going over to Mr.Conrad's office again, I will need your help, Tally ho!"

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