Chapter 9: The Great Detective Vs The Great Traveler pt.2

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"Alright then, as You wish, Mr.Kuzuuya, But if you do not mind Me asking, How did you deduce that I would be here?" Sherlock asked. "Quite simple, Holmes, With My long absence after that little "incident" back at Mr.Conrad's office, Shen and the others would most likely look to find Me here, and who else to come and check up on things than the man who made Me leave in the first place." Zetto explained. "Right then, What do you have to prove your innocence?" Mr.Holmes asked. "Well at this point I've got...Nothing, unless you'll allow me to investigate the crime scene" Zetto asked. "Very Well. Come, but only Mr.Kuzuuya and Ms.Wing are allowed to Investigate "Wait, how did You know my last na-" "Elementary, Monica, Now Time is of the essence, come along." Sherlock Intervened. They drove off in Zetto's car off towards the crime scene, of one Mr.Marcus Layton Wilshire, As Zetto and Monica began their investigation, Shen and Naraku stepped aside to watch, or conversate with each other. "Find anything Monica?" Zetto asked. "Not that I can s-Oh wait...No, It's nothing...Oh Zetto, I'm so sorry, if We can't find anything...Than you'll be..." She began to sob, and almost start crying slightly. "Don't be like that I'll be fine, and besides I told that fox to watch the office if anything were to happen, I have failsafe plans for things like these, There is nothing to worry about, Ms.Wing." Zetto said to calm Her down. "A-Alright, Thank you, let's just get on with the investigation." She said. "I get it." Zetto mumbled to Himself. "Pardon?" Monica replied. "Mr.Holmes does not...Well He does look at the evidence but...He "observes" it, I don't quite understand, but...I think He's just trying to tell Me something, but at the same time, He's not." Zetto strangely explained. "It's like he does not just observe the crime scene and evidence...He can see the circumstances around them." He continued. "So, What does that have anything to do with the investigation?" Monica asked. Zetto turned to Mr.Holmes and asked, "Mr.Holmes why isn't Shen allowed to investigate?" "Well for one, He's an animal, and second...Magic would be cheating." Holmes smirked. "Mr.Kuzuuya, I know what you're going to attempt, and I will allow it, this once, next time We meet, the aid of your magical friend will not be allowed." Holmes said with a warning. Shen scampered over to Zetto and asked What He needed Him to do, Zetto replied with the following, "Shen, can you use your magic to help me see the crime scene from past and present?" Shen nodded and did what He was asked. Zetto saw many things from the area's past, including the movement of the person who robbed Marcus, They stole a small Diamond, 3 Rubies, and His Wife's necklace. "Mr.Holmes, I kn-" "You know, splendid. Although, I just needed Your freind's magic to confirm my suspicion." He explained. Zetto told Mr.Holmes who the culprit was, and thus, confirming his theory, He went with the Police and Arrested the Man. After that Mr.Holmes Returned to Zetto's office again, but with something to ask. As Zetto heard a knock on the door, He answered to see Mr.Holmes, He invited him in and they chatted in private, however Mr.Holmes finally asked the question He wanted to ask since Zetto's return. "Mr.Kuzuuya, you're rather sweating slightly, you're fist clenches somewhat everytime you mention My name, and you are clearly guilty of knowing something that I do not, and simply with The mentioning of My name that these actions occur, I can only deduce that you know something about me that even I am not even aware of. And before you say "I'm a Time Traveller" that is bluntly obvious, considering that odd flash of light You gave off in the middle of the room yesterday, I can say that you came from a use of magic or teleportation, and also your coat has a residue even I am not familiar off, only further confirming that fact, and finally, the fact that you used magic to find the criminal to a crime scene also confirms this fact that if not time travel, than some form of magic, but I highly doubt that since you've been carrying that scroll everywhere you go, I also know that Ms.Wing is not from here either. preferably from another time or universe entirely, but I'm not here to talk about Her....Wait...Ah! Apologies, I had to collect my thoughts for a moment, The mere fact that you can Time Travel, tells me that you have inquired this information about Myself from the future am I not correct?" Mr.Holmes explained in detail. "Y-Yes, Mr.Holmes." Zetto replied. "I will be taking My leave, and I also apologize for the whole "accusing you" event, Goodday Mr.Kuzuuya" He said as He walked out the door.

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