Chapter 4: Universal order

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"All right" Zetto said, "A new day, a new attempt to find what, if any, secrets this scroll hides." "Zetto are you sure you want to try messing with it again?" Shen said. "I am going to try and see what I can do alone this time, so you two do not end up almost or getting killed, and even if I end up getting stuck somewhere at least no one can get their hands on it." Zetto said. "Now Shamus said that he read some other words on here...oh on the back" he continued. Zetto read the strange manuscript on the back and was engulfed in a blue light and disappeared. "OH DEAR IT'S COLD HERE!" Zetto yelled loudly, "What the heck is that?" he said to himself, the large mirror like structure, which there were many of, almost surrounding him but were lined up together, He reached out and touched but nothing happened he saw some odd round looking slot, Zetto rolled up the paper scroll and put it in the slot, the mirror like object began to glow blue and he was shown his own house. "Huh, and I thought it couldn't get weirder" He said. Zetto decided to walk through the portal and ended up in front of his own house. Before he could even open the door he was attacked by a man, They began fighting in front of the house until a figure cloaked in purple stepped up behind the man and disarmed him, "Monica!" the man screamed before running off. "Thanks for the save." Zetto said. "No problem, it's what I do, I'm Monica Wing, what about you? Monica said. "I'm Zetto Kuzuuya." I, uhh..Have been having a little "trouble" I don't suppose you've heard about "Hikari" or anything about a scroll, have you" Zetto replied. Monica gasped, grabbed Zetto's arm and dragged him inside. "I Knew it!" she yelled. "Knew what?" Zetto said. "Universal travel, The elders told me about traveling between time, but I thought I could do so with multiple universes, but I did not ask them that, and I regret declining their whole "hero" offer as well." She said. "Wait are you from another universe?!" they said in sync. "Well I'm not" Monica said, "but Maybe to you it would seem like it, in your universe is there a Shen by chance?" Monica said. "Yes there is" Zetto said. "Awsome!" Monica yelled, "Who...are you, so to speak, in this universe?" Zetto said. "What do you mean?" Monica replied, "Well you dragged me in here when I mentioned Hikari, do you know what that is?" "Oh about their whole "hero" thing and "immortality" and what-not." Monica replied. "Well I guess the same as you I ended up there and solved their little problem but they proposed that I be their "guardian of Hikari" or whatever and be given eternal life, they said I could not age, but I can die my any other means, but I declined, you on the other hand accepted it, am I right?" Monica explained. "Yes" Zetto said. "I see, Well your universe doesn't seem much different from mine, maybe I could visit it?" Monica asked. "To be honest I do not know what will happen if you did, perhaps it would be best if we both studied the effects of this multi-dimensional travel ability the scroll possesses." Zetto replied. "That sounds like a good idea, oh my apologies Zetto, would you care for some Tea?" Monica said. "That...Would be nice, thank you." Zetto replied.

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