Chapter 3: Rain on the darkest cage

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"Alright where are we?" Zetto said. "I think the better question is-" Shen said before being interrupted by zetto "when are we? very funny Shen I could see that joke a mile away" zetto remarked. "Looks like an island and I see a large bridge not to far from here too" Naraku said. "Well hopefully we can find out when and where we are soon" Zetto replied. "Hey!" came a voice from the nearby building, scaring zetto and making him fall in the rainy and wet ground to Naraku and Shen's amusement. "We got an escape!" the man called over some other men and they raced down to Zetto, Shen, & Naraku and in no time had them in handcuffs, dragging them inside the building known as Alcatraz. "H-Hey, what's going on?!" Zetto yelled. "Yeah, why are you placing us under arrest?" Shen said. "I'm sorry to say this Mr...Uh.." "Just "Zetto" Zetto replied. "Well Zetto I am am Mr. Lucas Conrad and you are going back to your cell." Lucas said. As Zetto were placed and locked into prison cells they waited the next day to get some answers, they were allowed some fresh air so they went to ask one of the prisoners about where they were, but before they could they were attacked! Shen and Naraku were dragged away farther until they were up against a wall and were about to be executed! Quickly Zetto pulled out the scroll he had hidden in his shoes and unfolded it and yelled out "I'll make things right!" Zetto then read the words and disappeared from the island and this point in time entirely. There was knocking at a door then a young man opened it, wearing a grey jacket, "White hair, 1800's getup, sorry man your little steampunk convention is somewhere else" He said annoyed. "Sorry" Zetto said, "Uhh...My name is Zetto-" before he could finish the young man dragged him inside. "So...Yeah No I'm not buying it." Zetto slapped the young man across his face "Listen!...wait what even is your name?" Zetto said. "Just call me "Josh" the young man said. "So...The Stories...Show me where I need to go." Zetto said. "I can't show you but I will tell you, first you're going to end up in alcatraz, then be arrested, then Shen and Naraku are going to be killed, then you come to me like you've done now, and finally I tell you what I am saying now and you go back in time and call yourself in the past before you use the scroll and end up there to stop that from ever happening" Josh said. "Alright then" Zetto said as he walked out the door and opened the scroll again, reading the words and disappeared, going back in time, before he even left and was taken to Alcatraz. "Mr. Conrad!" Zetto yelled while running through the office doors of one Mr. Shamus conrad, "Whoa! Zetto who died?" he said sarcastically. "Naraku and Shen...Well wait it's hard to explain but let me borrow your phone." Zetto said. He ran into another room and began calling his own house. "Hello is this Mr. Zetto Kuzuuya?" Zetto said, "Yes, who is this?" Zetto replied. "ehh...William Mason" Zetto said. "Listen, whatever you do, do not use that scroll yet, if you do, Naraku and Shen will die, that is all I can say, goodbye." he hung up and walked out of the room "Mr. Conrad it's been great knowing you, but I am leaving, since there are two Zettos I am afraid of what will happen, the other one may come and tell you about this phone call, just tell him what happened, I will already be gone by then." He said, then zetto opened the scroll, read a different set of words, and he disappeared. Zetto, along with Shen and Naraku came by Mr. Conrad's office and asked about the phone call, he then told them who it was, Zetto was quite shocked at how he practically saved his own life but also was the one that could have ended it, he sat down in much confusion, and decided he would talk about it some other time.

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