Chapter 10

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I woke up again later, just not as jumpy and shaky. Chris is already downstairs I'm assuming, but just to be sure...


"Yeah babe?"

I sigh with relief, he's not hurt again. I get up and do my morning routine, then run down the stairs.

"My wife is up!"

"When are you gonna start calling me by my real name?" I ask while he wraps his arms around me.

"When I get over calling you 'wife'," he kisses the top of my head, "Which I never will."

I laughed and laid my head against his chest. Once we pulled away, I glanced around, we cleaned most of the mess up last night, but there's still a lot because he messed up pretty much everything.

"Chris, how are we gonna stop them?"

He rubs my back and sighs, "I don't know, baby.. But we'll figure it out. I promise. We aren't going to let them get away with this."

I slowly shake my head and start cleaning things up again, "Chris, did you call the guy to fix the window?"


"What about the carpet?"

"Yes, I got this, don't worry."

Chris helped me clean up more until we got all that we could fixed up, minus the broken glass because we would have to buy and replace that, and the carpet... And the window...

I start breathing quickly without control over it. I place my hand on my chest over my heart, which is starting to beat out of place.

Stupid anxiety...

Chris catches on and sits down on the floor next to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"It's alright, Nikki... I promise we'll fix it, it's okay... Shhhh..."

He gently rubs my back up and down. I've been having anxiety attacks ever since Christian's accident.

And now this? And all this happened after Ashton tried to steal Chris from me again...

Chris kisses the side of my head, "Calm down, baby... It's alright, I'm here, I won't let them do it again."

After I calmed down, Chris and I started to think of a game plan. For thirty minutes, we sat at the table with no ideas, then Chris slams his hands against the table excitedly.

"Nikki, I might have an idea!"

"And that is?"

"We hide."

I raise an eyebrow, "What?"

"Okay, we get the cops, we say we're going on vacation, but we actually hide, then when Sam and whoever he's working with come and try to wreck our house again, we make a move."

I think about it, then nod slowly.

"I know someone on the police squad that can help us."

I pick up my phone and call the police station.

"May I speak to Sargent Golden?"

Chris facepalms, "I totally knew that."

I laughed and waited for her to connect me to Josh's office.

"Sargent Golden speaking."

"Cut the act, Josh."

"Aye Nikki! What's going on?"

"We need your help."

Josh came over and we explained everything, so he called over two more officers to help and they hid their police cars a few blocks down.

I pulled out my phone and tweeted, "San Diego round 2 with my one and only ❤️"

And Chris did the same. Chris and I ran upstairs and his behind one of the corners which is blocked from view from the banister.

Josh and his officers hid around the corner to to kitchen while we wait.

My hands start to shake and Chris grabs them and holds them in his, "It's gonna be okay."

I nod, then hear our window break. I quietly jump and Chris grabs me and holds me against him. We all agreed not to make a move until things start happening.

"What are we gonna mess up this time?" I hear Sam say and clutch Christian.

"They have two cars, they're only using one right now.."


"Nice, I'll find something to-"

"Hands up, Pottorff."

I hear Josh say. Chris and I quickly get up and run downstairs. I don't say a word because I'll get heated quickly...

Chris puts an arm around me to pretty much keep me from exploding on these two.

"You're under arrest for vandalism, destruction of personal property, assault, and just for tormenting my best friends," Josh winks, "Anything you say can and will be held against you..."

His voice fades out as he handcuffs them and walks them outside to the blaring sirens.

I turn and wrap my arms around Christian's neck. He picks me up by my waist and spins me around, "We got them baby, it's okay now."

I nod. "They won't do anything to us ever again." Chris says as he lowers me to the ground and holds me against him.

"You don't have to worry anymore.."

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