Chapter 13

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Hello friendos ready for your weekend shit-storm updates?

Things changed after the kiss, but only in the slightest of ways. Maybe Mettaton was truly magic and cooking them dinner was his way of blessing them.

Their financial troubles faded. Over coffee and paperwork, Toriel announced that they had scraped together rent, but only barely. Work still had to be constant, but that they didn't have to work as heavily now, and Papyrus could quit at least one job. So more time for social things. (She added that last part to Papyrus, with a little glint in her eye.)

They didn't have the kids back, but Sans predicted they would by the end of the month. Things were slowly and steadily picking back up, though Sans seemed somewhat distant now.

Another thing changed: Papyrus and Mettatons relationship, obviously. The kiss was hardly mentioned, and neither was what exactly they were, but it made its mark in the form of casual touching, more time spent together and hugs that weren't so platonic anymore.

A few weeks after the financial crisis passed, Mettaton was back in their kitchen cooking a sweet smelling dish. Papyrus was sitting on the counter beside him, teasing him and stealing his utensils.

"Papy, really-," Mettaton playfully sighed and struggled to grab the spoon that had been stolen back. "I need that!" He made a wild grab for it and missed.

Papyrus held it high above his head and laughed. "Nope you have to get it..!" He looked down at Mettaton with unmistakable love in his eyes.

Mettaton grinned a little, and very suddenly pecked Papyrus's lips. Caught off guard, he dropped the spoon.

Mettaton probably would have picked it up, but he was enjoying himself too much to care. He kissed Papyrus again, longer this time. Oh how we loved this boy.

Their sweet little embrace was interrupted by a not so polite cough from behind them. "I would appreciate it if you could do what you came to do and stop face sucking my brother. You know, cook and leave." Sans growled.

Sans couldn't decide what he felt about Mettaton. There were times when he was incredibly grateful for Mettaton being there for his brother, keeping him happy. And then we're times where he felt disgusted. Disgusted that this thing still existed and felt no remorse after what happened in high school between them. Now was one of those times.

They jumped apart, both looking quite embarrassed. Mettaton mumbled something and kneeled down to get the spoon. Papyrus shot Sans a somewhat resentful look and shuffled out of the kitchen.

Later after dinner, Toriel pulled Sans aside. It was their turn to do the dishes. "Sans honestly." She began.

Sans sighed. He knew he was gonna get a stern talking-to when she said that.

"Let your brother have a little fun, alright? He's, what, 25 already and this is his first real relationship! Don't ruin this for him, or as kids these days say, cockblock." Toriel continued.

He flushed with anger and embarrassment. "Exactly! This is first boyfriend and Mettaton is not a good choice for a first kiss or boyfriend!"

"And how do you know that?" She set down the soapy pan and looked at him.

"B-Because! I just do..I know what he's like and Papyrus deserves better. He....he's not ready to handle someone like Mettaton."

Toriel shook her head and promptly lowered her voice. "When are we going to tell Papyrus, anyway? All the kids know.."

"When the time is right. We'll tell him about the baby when the time is right, I swear Tori."

Us. {papyton}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora