Chapter 29~ 3k reads special!

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Just a cute little fluff thing unrelated to the plot I thought I'd write ^~^

Papyrus's POV


I didn't realize the next day was FoodFull day until I saw the calendar. The realization hit me like a brick and hurt just as much.

Growing up, FoodFull day was a celebration me, Sans and our dad would have every year in May. We would cook a big meal, the biggest all year round, and go down to the park to watch ducks. We did it to celebrate everything we had in life that we loved, sort of like a more personal thanksgiving. It was a lot of fun, hanging out with them, and the only day of the year Dad fully pulled himself away from work.

When he died, Sans and I didn't continue it. Not entirely, anyway. We still go out for dinner, but no ducks or picnic. After a while, we stopped mentioning or remembering the holiday at all, but I never forgot. I don't think he did either.

Anyway, I woke up this morning with the gut feeling that something was wrong. One glance at the calendar hanging in our kitchen reminded me.

"Papy?" Mettaton asks me, noticing I'm quieter at breakfast. "Are you okay, love?"

I look down at my uneaten plate of eggs, though I love Mettatons eggs. I just can't eat anything today. "Yes, I'm fine." I answer quietly.

"Nope. Nope, nope nope. Papyrus, I've known you long enough to know when you're hiding it." He leaps up and walk around the table, grabbing my face to make me look at him.

"What. Is. Wrong?" He says somewhat gently.

I sigh. "Family holiday."

"In which?"

"We eat food and watch ducks and have a good time."

He bites his lip. "And you're sad because?" He hasn't let go of my face yet.

"We don't celebrate it anymore, Mettaton. Not since my dad died."

"Well then let's celebrate it!" He grins.

"Really? But it won't be the same-" I pause.

"I'll make it the same. We can call up Sans and Tori!! Have a good time!"

Despite myself, I smile. "Wowie, Mettaton, you'd do that for me?"

He kisses me sweetly. " 'Course Papy. I'd do anything for you."


We end up calling Toriel and Sans, asking them to bring food because we have nothing, and Mettaton asks if we can bring Blooky too.

"Sure!" I say, "Poor guy seems lonely."

We agree to meet up in the park, the same one where Music in the park was held. Turns out today they're having yoga class, which I don't mind. "It'd be cool to watch," I insist.

Mettaton and I settle our blanket down by the park lake, and instead of watching ducks we end up watching swans. "How pretty," He muses, laying his head on my shoulder. My heart skips a beat like it does everytime he touches me.

We have only a minute of peaceful silence, before we hear Chara screeching that Asriel ate the chicken salad. The whole family appears, ladden down in picnic food and chocolate. (Thanks Chara.)

We're setting down to eat, when I notice Toriel. "Showing already I see?" I smile at her.

"Oh yes," She gushes. "It's very exciting. It's like it's all real finally. I'm really going to have a baby!"

Sans looks awfully proud, it's as if he were the one carrying the baby.

While the kids are fighting over Chara's Mounds bars, Blooky shows up, looking a little awkward in a floppy sun hat. "I burn easily..." He explains while rubbing on copious amounts of sunscreen.

We're chowing down, when Sans turns to me. "Any coincidence that we decided to have this picnic on FoodFull day?"

I grin wide. "Nope. I told Mettaton about it and he organized this." I swallow my food. "Wow Toriel you really outdid yourself on these Sandwiches!"

She blushes. "Thanks! The mustard was Sans's idea!"

When the sky gets darks and the swans disappear, the kids fall asleep. Good thing to, Chara looked like she ready was to jump in the freezing lake and chase the swans down. Asriel had chocolate on his face, which Toriel had to carefully wipe off without waking him up, and Frisk was cradled in Sans's arms sleepily.

Toriel packs the kids in a taxi cab, and Sans tells her not to wait up. Now it's just Sans, me, Mettaton and Blooky, though the latter looked dangerously close to falling asleep.

"Thanks for today, Mettaton." Sans smiles, surprising myself and him. "It was fun."

"Well from what I gather, it meant a lot to you boys, thought I'd bring you two together. I do know what it's like to lose a parent."

"You do?" I ask.

"Well, no actually. My parents lost me, more than I lost them."

That's gets us all laughing, though Blooky's laugh is scary when he's half asleep (he doesn't stop, long after we're done laughing.) Mettaton pats his hair. "Blooky?"

"Mhm, yeah..?"

"Want me to take you home?"

Napstablook nods, and Mettaton picks him up effortlessly. "I'm gonna take him home, don't wait." He gives me a last cheek kiss and starts off.

Just Sans and I now. "I miss him." I say.

"Who, Mettaton? Bro, he literally just left."

"No you idiot, dad!"

Sans is quiet. "Yeah me too."

"Do you think he'd like Mettaton if he knew him?" I ask. The question has been eating at me for a while.

Sans plucks up a piece of grass and twists it. "Like him? Yeah, they'd get along all right. If you're talking about Mettaton being a boy and all, he'd be okay with it. You probably don't remember, but our dad had his fair share of boyfriends while we were growing up."

My eyes widen. "He did?!"

Sans chuckles. "Yeah! I didn't like most of them, there was one I would bite whenever he came around."

I laugh, and Sans smiles genuinely. "Do you remember mom?" I ask.

"Mom? Bits and pieces I guess. She left like, a week after you were born. I used to bite her too."

"And me."

"And dad." He grins.

"Why did she leave?" I cross my legs underneath myself.

"No clue, bro. But I do remember she didn't really like anyone. Not me, not dad, not you. In hindsight, I probably bit her too much or something."

"Do you ever wonder what our lives would be like if we had both parents growing up? If dad never died?"

"Don't want to, kiddo." He responds. "Because I know our lives wouldn't be where they are today."

Us. {papyton}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora