Chapter 23

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Mettaton shivered with anticipation, pulling out his laptop, bringing up the web page and showing it to Papyrus. His expression was...unreadable. He studied the page with lips pursed. "Umm....are you sure? Seems like a big step."

"Papyrus, I don't think you quite understand. This will change my life. I may never get this much money again!" He pleaded.

Papyrus sighed. "If you truly want to, but isn't it dangerous?"

"As dangerous as any other surgery can be."

Papyrus looked between him and the screen again. "Alright."

"Alright? You're cool with this?" Mettatons face lit up.

"Yep!" If it makes you happy-" He was cut off with a long kiss.

So it was decided, Mettaton would receive his surgery in April. He'd be getting his masculine body, liked he'd always wanted. Papyrus was nervous, and to an extent so was Mettaton. But they were excited and that's all that mattered. It seemed at last Mettatons life was coming to where he'd hoped.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.


Hey super short chapter for a really long really important chapter next srry it'll be worth it -bcup 😊

Us. {papyton}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora