2. League of Sugg

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A/N For anyone who doesn't know what League of Legends is, you will probably have no idea what is happening in this chapter, basically its a video game where you battle another team and try and kill them, just look it up already cos it's so fun!! But if you do play... YOU HAVE THE BEST CHOICE OF VIDEO GAMES.

I bash at the key board as I watch the characters on the screen slowly fall one by one. Skill shots fly across the screen as our teams battle.

The announcers voice blares over everyone.






I fly up out of my seat and do a little dance, pride swelling in my chest.

"I whooped your butt Joe!"

"LAG" he says over Skype.

"Yeah right!" I reply not believing him at all.

"Whatever.." He says in a sour voice which told me he was pissed.

Soon his team respawned and we were back battling. Annie, my character (A/N for anyone who doesn't know who Annie is, she is basically a child who can shoot fire and her soft toy teddy bear can become a real bear).

Soon the match ends by my team winning by a mile and Joe's... well lets say he lost and was a saw loser about it.

"Do you wanna play another?" I say hoping that I could beat him again.

"No... I think I gotta go anyway..."

For some reason I slumped in my chair, my heart suddenly feeling heavy not wanting him to go.

"Ok then... bye, talk to you later," I answer, the sadness evident in my voice.


He hangs up and I slowly shuffle over to the couch and collapse on it. I look up at the ceiling and think of him. His smile that is so adorable and charming, his accent which was so cute! And those grey blue eyes... they were absolutely beautiful. I wanted him to be mine but that was never in my wildest dreams going to happen.

So for some advice I decided to FaceTime my friends.

On the second ring they both pick up, their smiling faces looking at me.

"Hi!" they say in unison.


"You never FaceTime us, so why are you now?" Y/F asks, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"Well... I think I like Joe.."


"Calm down Y/F/N this is why I called, what should I do?"

"TELL HIM!" they both say.

"It's easier said then done guys-,"

Suddenly I'm interrupted by the loud doorbell.

"Be right back,"

I put down my phone and get up off the lounge, walking towards the door.

I open it and am surprised to see Joe standing in front of me.

"Hi Joe! What are you doing here?"

"Hey Y/N I have something to tell you..."

"Me too," I say, my cheeks going red at the thought.

And at the same time we say, "I like you,"

We both laugh embarrassedly barely looking up at each others eyes.

"So... tomorrow do you want to go on a date?"

"Only if you let me whoop your butt again at League of Legends!" I say, daring him too choose.

"Okay..." He says, letting his pride down.

"See you tomorrow?" He says



"See ya!"

I quickly close the door and run back to my phone.

"It was him! And I admitted it! He likes me too!" I squeal.

And after I finally finished talking to my friends I went to bed with an excited feeling running through my body.

Joe Sugg ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now