14. Crush

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Your POV

The university's park was peaceful, with a few trees here and there, a small pond, flower beds and bunches of students sitting at tables or on the grass.

I sat alone at a table playing with my lunch. I had a lecture to go to after this.

I then hear giggles and quiet talking and I looked up from my lunch to see my crush Joe, with his girlfriend Samantha. (A/N Idk what to call her 😂 but whatever that'll have to do).

To put it simply Samantha was an absolute b****.

I don't know how the sweetest guy in our uni ended up with the meanest and cruelest girl.

She was such a bully and Joe was such a kind person.

I really liked him... but I guess Samantha was the 'hottest' girl here, he'd never leave her for me.

I check my watch. Time to go!

I get up, grabbing my books and unfinished lunch. I'll just eat it later.

Now Joe was talking to some other guys and Samantha was walking ahead. I'm a few meters away when she calls,

"Hey Y/N! Can I have a hug? I love hugs!" She says in a high pitched fake voice. A plastic smile on her face.

This was weird. She was being friendly. And, she was asking for a hug.

When Joe isn't around she's usually all 'ew get your filthy hands away from me'.

I shrug and she comes closer, suddenly she spills her bright pink drink on my shirt.

I knew there was something up.

"OMG Y/N I'm so sorry!"

"Don't worry about it," I mumble, hurriedly wiping the white shirt with napkins I used for my lunch.

"Here let me help." She says coming closer.

Then she pushes me over, but to someone else it might have looked as if I tripped.

I fall backwards, hitting my head on the cement path.

Pain shoots though my head and I feel something thick and warm run down my face.


That was definitely blood.

I feel dizzy as I hear footsteps running towards me and someone kneeling beside me, putting there hands on either side of my face and calling my name.

Everything was fuzzy and the world was spinning slightly.

My eyes began to close and my breathing slowed.

Suddenly warm lips were against mine and I began to come to my senses.

My eyes opened to see the worried eye's of Joe.

"Are you okay? Say something if your okay," he says steadily.

I open my mouth but the pain is too much and I close it again, moaning in pain.

In the background I hear Joe say to someone next to him, "Call an ambulance."

Then he turns back to me and says, "Everything will be fine, just have deep breaths, breath with me."

"In." I breath in.

"Out." I breath out.

"Okay, good, now want you to I continue like this while I lift you up onto the table ok?" He says calmly.

I try to nod but it hurts to much.

I breath in and out as he lifts me bridal style  off the ground.

Pain takes over and I shout out, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Shhh it's okay nearly there keep breathing." He says again.

I do as he says and soon I'm placed on the table.

Joe takes my hand and strokes it with his thumb.

He looks at me and smiles, his beautiful eyes distracting me from the pain.

Soon ambulance sirens are wailing and I was taken to hospital.

~ A few days later ~

I sat in my hospital bed desperately bored.

Then the door opens and in comes Joe, a smile on his face.

"Hey Y/N! How are you doing?"

Joe had come to see me every day since I'd been here and I was very thankful of him saving my life.

"Good thanks to you."

"Y/N I have something to tell you." He says coming closer and sitting on the side of the bed.

"Ok, what's up?"

"I broke up with Samantha because..."


"I like you."

I freeze in shock.

"You like me? Out of everyone me?"

"Yes. You."

Suddenly I surprise myself and pull him forward by his shirt and kiss him

He was still, shocked for a few seconds and then began kissing back.

And I was all of a sudden glad that I nearly died.

Thanks Samantha for your boyfriend.


Lol I don't know what that chapter was but here it is.

Hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to vote and comment.


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