13. Argument

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What happened?

I don't know.

We just seemed to fall apart like a machine built for breaking. 

We started off perfect but as the months rode on we seemed to not see each other as much as we used to, even though we lived together.

He was never home until I was asleep and left before I even woke up.

The only signs to show that he had been there were the crumpled sheets and the dirty dishes in the sink.

It almost seemed as though he didn't love me anymore. 

I almost broke down every morning he wasn't lying beside me, his warm body cradling me in his arms.

I couldn't and wouldn't believe that maybe he didn't care about me anymore.

Then one day, all my emotions had been held in too long, and I broke.

I sit in the dark, facing the front door.

For now all my emotions weren't showing, but i knew that would be a different story as soon as he walked in.

Finally after hours of waiting, I heard a click and the door swung open.

I see his silhouette standing in the doorway, his back was slumped and he looked tired. He sighed loudly before stepping into the apartment.

Quietly he slips off his shoes and hangs up his coat and bag. He takes a few silent steps forward towards the kitchen when he suddenly sees me sitting in the dark.

"Y/N why are you up so late? You need your rest," He says complete caring and worry showing in his eyes.

This is when I break, my face showing the raw pain these past few months had caused me.

"And what about yourself Joe? What about your health? What about how much sleep you get or how much food you eat?" I say, my voice seeming to get louder every word. Tears of pain, anger and sadness building in my eyes, clouding my vision.

"Y/N I need to work, it's the only way to keep food on the table and to pay the bills. Even if my health is effected I can't let myself stop, I need to keep you happy and-"

"Well I'm not happy! Every morning I wake up to an empty bed, an empty house. Instead of having breakfast and dinner with the person I love, I'm sitting alone, in a silent house. It's like I'm being drained of all the things I care about. I just can't do this anymore! I'm being driven more and more insane as the days that I don't see you go by!" I shout, the tears I had held back for so for so long finally escaping.

He sighs and walks over to me, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I cry into his shirt, as I wrap my arms around him.

I breath in his comforting scent which I hadn't smelt in months and I hug him tighter as if he was going to fly away.

We stay like that for god knows how long, just wrapped up in each other.

"I just... I just wanted to work so we could have enough money for our future, for our wedding, for a new home. I didn't realise it caused you so much pain." He whispers, his voice cracking.

I stay silent as he continues to speak.

"I'm so so so sorry that I wasn't here for you, nothing makes me sadder then knowing I have caused you so much pain and sorrow."

"I love you so much Y/N and don't you ever forget that." He whispers into my hair, placing a little butterfly kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too Joe. And I won't forget, I promise."

Joe Sugg ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now