5. Hurt Pt 2

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Joe's POV

After she closed her eyes, I was grabbed and pulled away from her. Paramedics swarmed around her.

I lay on the ground in a daze not knowing what to do.

Grief had struck me down before.

But I wasn't going to let it take over now.

So I stood up on my shaky legs, wiped my hands of blood and jumped in the ambulance that Y/N was being loaded onto.

For the first time with clear eyes I studied her.

Even with her face covered in tears, dirt and blood she was still beautiful.

I held back a sob.

Soon we were racing towards the hospital as I watched the paramedics hooking her up to different machines. One was measuring her heart rate and it was just beating.

But faintly.

Her hand was sprawled over the side of the bed so I grabbed it.

She was still warm.

Suddenly her heart beat started to pick up. It got stronger and stronger.

My face broke into a smile and I knew she was fighting.

Your POV

It felt like someone was pushing a heavy, thick blanket over my face.

I was struggling to breath as the blanket pushed me closer to death.

Then someone's hand grabs mine and it was soft, warm and alive.

I started fighting back, kicking and pushing the blanket, allowing me to breath more and more.

It retreated almost but I wasn't out of the clear yet.

The pain suddenly took hold of me and I knew this would be harder to fight.

Joe's POV

~A few days later~

My eyes struggled to stay open as I watched her silently breath.

My hand was still entwined with hers.

She was alive but barely.

I stood up from the uncomfortable visitors chair walked a bit closer.

I kissed her forehead and her heartbeat again magically picked up its pace.

It got stronger and stronger and I all I was thinking was.

Please wake up. Please wake up.


Author's Note

A bit of a cliff hanger for you there.
I'll let you imagine what happens next.
Will she die or stay alive?
Anyway hope you enjoyed! The more you comment and vote the more I want to write.


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