20. LDR

358 10 1


Joe: I miss you ;-;

You: Isn't it obvious?

Joe: Smart ass just say you miss me too ;-;

You:  Of course I do! Everyday isn't the same without and idiot like you in my life.

Joe: I'm hurt *ugly crying face*

You: Get over it princess. I have to go now but hopefully I can Skype you tonight?

Joe: Yes I will make sure I can Skype you. I wanna see your beautiful face 💕Love you have a great day ❤️

You: Love you too!! ❤️ ( ♡ᴗ♡ )

Your POV

My day went as usual. I worked at my part time job for 3 hours, I studied for 4 hours and now it was time to order some dinner for myself.

I sighed as I collapsed on my small sofa in my living room. I lived in a small one bedroomed apartment, Joe lived in another state. I missed him terribly, every night I went to bed I lay awake thinking about him. I wish I could see him just for a little bit.

But that's why we have Skype! Its my only way to seeing him without being there.

People when they hear I'm in a long distance relationship always say 'Aren't you worried he's going to cheat on you?' or 'What if he doesn't love you anymore?'.

I'm 100% sure none of this will happen or has happened. He is fully devoted to me and I'm sure of that.

I curl up and rest my head against the scruffily pillow that lives on the sofa. I hear a soft 'meow' and look towards where it came from.

"Awwwe sweety come over here." I coo towards my cat.

The only other love of my life is Jack my cat. And yes, I named him after the main character from the Titanic movie.

He stalks closer to be before jumping up next to me and curling up. He purrs as I stroke his soft fur.

Ding dong

That must be my dinner. Getting up I make my way towards the door and graph my wallet.

I swing the door open and I'm looking for the right money as I say, "How much is it?"

I look up and scream, dropping my wallet, coins going everywhere. But I don't care. All I care about is Joe standing in my doorway, smiling widely.

I engulf him in the biggest, tightest, most loving hug I've ever given someone. I don't exactly know when but I begin to sob, hot tears run down my face.

I look up at him and manage to choke out, "I missed you so so so so so much."

"I missed you so so so so so so much too Y/N."

I go back to hugging him and he places his head on mine, kissing my forehead.

"I can't believe it's you, that you're here." As I say this I place both of my arms around his neck.

"To be honest, I can't believe I'm here either."

And with that he kisses me. Its nothing like I had ever imagined when I was alone. It was better. Sweeter. More loving.


I pull away to see the poor delivery guy standing behind us.

"Oh sorry. How much is it?"


So this chapter was requested by TheAwkwardAndLonely

I hope you enjoyed it! ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2017 ⏰

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