18. New Guy

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Thanks for requesting @samaranjbar2003 I enjoyed writing this and I hope you like it! If anyone wants to request anything else I'll be happy to write it! :D

I walk into the crowded corridor of the dumb ass school I have to attend 5 days a week.

like why

Can't we have a 3 day weekend? That would be absolutely scrum-diddly-umptious.

Keeping my head down I walk towards my locker, to find my arch nemesis 'queen B' eating this poor guy's face off against my locker.

I manage to enter my code, pulling open the locker so there's a slight gap and chucking my pack back in. Then I quickly withdraw my arms and the locker slams with the weight of the 2 people.

They don't break apart once.

What the f***

I begin to walk away, my scruffy converse leading the way.

"B**** face!" I look up to see one of my closest friends making her way towards me.

"Smart ass!" I shout in response, a smile on my face.

"You see queen B kissing that guy? Bet you by tomorrow she'll have dropped him like she dropped her last season Prada shoes." She snickers.

The thing is with queen B, as soon as she's f***** the guy, she's gone. Pretends as if they don't exist. Such a playgirl.

"Yeah, I saw her, and against my locker too! She probably just chose to kiss him there to spite me..."

"Probably... Oh! And did you see the new meat?" She says licking her lips and wiggling her eyebrows.

"New meat?" I say in a confused voice.

"You have a new guy in your homeroom! And from what I've heard he's hot."

I roll my eyes, of course, she's into this 'new guy'.

The bell rings and we say our goodbyes and head in opposite direction for our first class.

Then I realise that I forgot my books. Shit! All because of that b**** and her boy toy.

I sprint towards my locker thankfully to find them gone. In record breaking time I've got my books and am running towards homeroom.

I run past a person slamming someone up against a-


I do a double take and jog backwards.

Slamming someone against a locker?

What the f***?

Jed the school bully/dickhead had someone backed up against the lockers.

"I swear to god if you make one move on-"

"Um sorry to interrupt your little 'buddy-buddy moment' but I was wondering if-"

All of a sudden I grab his shirt and pull him away from the boy against the lockers, I pull him in close, our noses barely inches apart.

I look at him as if he's a piece of shit on the bottom of my shoe and spit, "I swear to god if I find you with this boy again your dead meat. You hear me? Dead. Meat."

I let him go and he stumbles away not looking back.

I watch with a smirk on my lips then remember that there's a guy right in front of me.

I meet his eyes and smile, saying "Sorry about him he is literally the douchiest person you'll ever meet. Wait, I don't recognise you... you must be the new kid. I'm Y/N nice to meet you!"

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