4. Disappointed

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I was on edge all day waiting for my test results hoping, praying that I had got an A+.

Joe, my boyfriend was getting a bit frustrated by my jumpiness and was telling me to calm down. But I couldn't these results meant a lot to me and they were taking to long to arrive.

At exactly 5:37pm the postman's bike roars past and I shoot up, waking Joe from his light slumber.

"Ahhhhhh, can't you be more careful?" He sighs as I run out the door curiosity rushing though me.

The red letter box sits waiting for me to come snatch the envelop and I do without hesitation.

I charge back inside, Joe on his feet waiting for me.

"You ready love?"


"No nerves now, open it!" He says.

I close my eyes as I rip the thin envelop open.

Then peeking though my lids of my eyes I see my score.

My heart drops.

I got 11 out of 15.

Only 73%.

I drop the envelop and run into the bedroom collapsing on the bed, slamming the door behind me.

I worked so hard! How could I only get this much!!

I hear the door creak open and the plight footsteps approaching me.


I don't respond, shoving my face further into the quilt.

"Y/N look at me."

I slowly drag myself up and stare at Joe, his beautiful eyes scanning my face.

"That is an amazing score."

"No it's not"

"Don't be so negative!! This is only a little test that doesn't do anything to affect what university you go to!!"

"So! I need to do well in everything, this is not a good score."

"Everyone makes mistakes! You need to otherwise you will never learn."

"I'm still not happy with this score!" I say.

"Well you should be happy I want to see you smiling that beautiful smile of yours. I promise next test I'll help you study and you can try and beat this score to do better!"

"Okay..." I answer hugging his waist finally giving into his reason.

He hugs me back and I look up at his face, a small smile creeping onto mine.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too," I reply, a happy feeling seeping though my body.

He pecks my lips, then my nose, and all around me face not leaving a spot untouched.

"I'm always here to make you feel better Y/N don't ever forget that." He whispers in my ear.

"Okay," I answer.

Author's Note:
This is for anyone feeling down about their grades!!
I'm telling you now, don't worry about it! As long as you know you tried your best and studied your hardest it'll be fine.
A few years ago I was failing miserably and I felt so bad about it, so I decided I needed to do something about it. Before the next test I tried really hard and studied a lot and I got the grade I wanted!
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