CH 1 Fox Morrison is Gone

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Fox POV-

I look at my new license and cringe no longer does it say Fox Nicholas Morrison, it now says Fox Nicholas Crawford once again. In that second of opening the mail and seeing my new ID I felt my marriage was finally and truly over. Even though I was only Fox Morrison for two years I had been with my husband since I was eighteen which was thirteen years ago so even when Richard signed the divorce papers it still wasn't real to me until this moment. Seeing it in black and white put it into perspective for me.

I feel tears gather in my eyes and try my hardest not to let them fall. I will not give that cheating bastard one more tear of mine.  But it doesn't work I rub my eyes and rid my face of any tear tracks before deciding I just need to get dressed and go to work that should get my mind off of this. I hope, but probably not. Richard and I merged our companies together long ago but just bought a building together last year so work really isn't an escape but hopefully I can avoid him and get my mind of things.

I get dressed in my sharpest suite and head into down town Dallas. I pull into the under ground parking of my building. Trying hard to ignore the shiny letters that say Morrison and Morrison. It feels like just yesterday we changed the sign from Crawford and Morrison. But that was back when we were happy and in love. I never thought so much could change in two short years.

I ride the empty elevator up to the top floor where both Richard and my offices are located. I sneak by unnoticed by not only Richard but the secretary's and assistants working hard as I'm coming in a couple hours late today. My receptionist is the only one to great me on the way to my office. "Good morning Fox." I smile and nod to her in return. "Give me ten minutes to get situated then bring me my schedule and missed calls from this morning Staci."

She nods and I close the door to my office before sitting at my desk booting up my computer. I first go through a few emails and client lists of cases we have open at the moment before I hear Staci knock on the door.

She enters and sits across from me with her iPad in her lap. "Ok first thing when you didn't come in this morning I canceled all your meeting to be rescheduled. So you don't have any appointments for today but you do have some missed calls, all from existing clients that I sent over to Richard to handle already."

She sigh and softly says. "You really didn't have to come in today everyone would understand if you wanted to take some time off. I'm sure it's got to be difficult for you coming here and seeing him right now." She looks at my with pity and it makes my stomach drop.

I school my features and answer confidently. "Thanks Staci, but I'm really fine. But please tell all callers that I'm out today and I'm just going to catch up on some case notes and my email today so just shut the door on your way out." Staci nods and gives me a sad look before going back to her desk. When the door closes I let my head fall to my desk and sigh. Is everyone feeling sorry for me, it's not me who should be embarrassed it's Richard he's the one that cheated not once but twice not me. I can't let myself think of that right know so I take a deep breath and get to work.

It works for about and hour before I feel my stomach grumble and look at the time it's already twelve thirty so I should be safe to go down and get something for lunch without anyone bothering me or throwing me pitting looks. I grab my keys and head to the elevator. As I try to sneak past Richards office without being notice I hear manly giggling that stops me dead in my tracks. "He wouldn't." I whisper to myself before opening Richards door.

The scene before me breaks what's left of my shattered heart. Sitting in his desk chair is Richard with his arms around some twink who is busy sucking on his neck pulling on his tie. I must gasp or make some audible noise because they both stop fooling around and look at me. Again I feel those pesky tears gathering in my eyes as I try in vain not to let them fall. Richards voice is husky and gruff. "What Fox? Do you need something?" He asks impatiently.

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