CH 13 I Hate Surprises

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Dylan's POV-

Looking at my reflection in the mirror I can't believe how mature I look in my new suite. After much reluctance on my part I let Fox talk me into letting him buy me a new suite for my interviews today. I fix the slim tie one more time and grab my keys, today I am driving the challenger so I don't get all sweaty riding the bus in my new suite before my interviews. I'm a little nervous to be driving it all by myself but it definitely makes life easier having a car.

I go to the first interview and I can tell after fifteen minutes of talking to the pretentious woman giving the interview I would hate to work at this place. I still put on a smile and answer all her questions because money is money and I will take the job of its my only option but I hope my next interview goes better. I leave the interview and drive to my next appointment down the street.

I park in the underground garage and make my way to the top floor. Once I get out of the elevator I look both ways down the hall and I'm not sure which way to go so I just go right. I stop when I see a lady at her desk. "Hi I'm Dylan Hatcher I have an interview scheduled for eleven, am I in the right place?"

The lady smiles widely at me. "Yes of course Mr. Hatcher my name is Staci and it's so nice to finally meet you. I will actually be interviewing you to take over my position for my boss as we hired a new director and I'm going to be his secretary at the other end of the hall. So please come have a seat."

I sit and look around nervously I can tell I already like this place ten times more than my last interview which makes me even more nervous not to mess this up. I hand Staci my resume and she flips through it. "So you just recently graduated that's good and you worked at the campus library but do you have any experience in an office setting?"

I shake my head no. "No but I am willing to learn and I catch on quick so training me shouldn't be to hard. I know the basics from class but I know I would need to be trained also."

Staci nods. "Well that's fine hun the main thing you would have to learn is our phone system and your directors scheduling program but both are rather easy. The main thing is be able to work with your director without bothering or cutting into his work time. It's a hard balance to find, you will be responsible for making and canceling appointments and dealing with some irate customers, do you think you can handle that?"

I nod. "Yes I think I'm a pretty calm person so I can handle people when they are mad or upset I feel I handle things very rationally. I'm not afraid to work hard either and I work well with others so I think my director will like me."

Staci nods and writes a few things on my resume before asking me a few more skill related questions. "Ok I think your perfect so follow me to my filing cabinet, in here are all the files for every person or company your director works with they are filed alphabetically by last name. You must give every file to your director before he has a meeting scheduled so he can go over it and then you must refile the file with any new paperwork he has added. I know it seems small but these files are like gold around here do not lose or mess up these files in any way."

I nod gravely. "I understand." Staci nods and waves me to follow her to the door behind her desk. "This is the director you will be working for." She says as she knocks then opens the door. Sitting behind his desk is none other than  my boyfriend Fox. "You asshole." Is all I get out before Staci closes the door on us.

Fox stands and holds his hands up. "Don't be that way sweetie I didn't tell Staci to give you any special treatment I told her interview you like any other candidate and only if she wanted to hire you to bring you in to me so don't get mad."

That does nothing to appease my anger. "Damn you Fox I really wanted this job too my last interview was horrible but I don't want to work for my boyfriend. What if we are fighting at home then we have to go to work together thats a disaster just waiting to happen."

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