CH 6 Oh No!

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Dylan's POV-

Walking into Fox's hotel lobby with his arm around me I feel excited and nervous all at the same time. I still can't believe he invited me up to his room after our fabulous dinner. Everything was almost to perfect tonight. It was like I finally got through this invisible barrier and got to know the real Fox not the broken and guarded version and I have to say I'm really starting to like the fun loving side of Fox.

We walk up to the elevator and wait for the doors to open. We step into the empty cart and Fox presses his floor and as soon as the door closes his mouth is on mine. The kiss is mind blowing I feel tingling all the way down into my toes as our tongues caress. When he pulls away I feel light headed and breathless. "Wow that was one first kiss." I say while rubbing my tingling lips.

Fox gives me a cocky smile that has me hardening in my jeans. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." Fox says cheekily and I laugh as the elevator doors ping open. Fox's room is at the end of the hall and I grab his hand in anticipation as we get closer. At the end of the hall there is a man sitting in one of the two chairs.

I go to walk passed when the man jumps up. "Fox I have been waiting for an hour for you." He says with his hands on his hips. I look at Fox like who the hell is this? And Fox just slumps his shoulders and let's a defeated sigh pass his lips. I take a better look at the guy and can tell he is about my age blonde hair blue eyes and he has this wispy quality to the way he holds himself.

I let go of Fox's hand. "Maybe I should go and let you two handle things." Fox grabs my hand. "No Dylan stay I promise I will find out what Cooper wants quickly and we can get back to our night." He gives a pointed look to the stranger before everything clicks in head and I break my neck to look at the new guy. "Wait the lunch date at the office Cooper? The guy that was your husband cheated on you with? What the hell is he doing here?" I ask heatedly.

Cooper doesn't hang his head in shame or show any out ward appearance of remorse and it pisses me off. Cooper looks at Fox pleadingly. "Please help me? I just end a minute of your time it's about Richard."  That seems to get Fox's attention and He slides his card into his room door and opens it ushering me and Cooper inside with him.

I look around the suite impressed at its size. It actually has living area with a couch and tv and I can see through the open doors to not one but two private bedrooms. Wow I have never stayed in a hotel room this nice. Cooper takes a seat with disinterest in the room and his full focus is on Fox and I wonder what the hell he could possible need Fox for?

Fox sits and looks at Cooper expectantly and he nods. "Ok so long story short I haven't heard from Richard in three days. He told me he was going on a business trip and that I couldn't go which is a first but I didn't think anything of it until he didn't call and I can't get a hold of him. So I finally called Sarah his receptionist and she told me he had no business trip on his schedule. So now I'm worried and I don't know if he is hurt or in trouble and I didn't know who else would know besides you. Please I need your help to find him. I know you still love and care for him so please help me. I could never forgive myself if something happened to him."

I scowl at the still loves part and cross my arms over my chest and mutter. "You are one stupid twink." Cooper shoots me a glare and Fox try's to calm Cooper down. "Cooper Richard is a grown man I'm sure he is fine. I wish I could say this is the first time he has disappeared like this but it isn't. And the last time he did I found out you and Richard were in the Bahamas and he didn't know his cell wasn't on international settings. So really there is probably nothing to worry about I'm sorry Cooper."

Cooper huffs and gets ups and starts pacing in front of the couch. "You don't understand Fox, he loves me. He wouldn't do this to me I just know in my heart something is wrong. Please Fox help me. Please don't hold a grudge you know Richard and I never meant to hurt you we just fell I love. Please don't punish him for that."

I look at Fox like can you believe this guy but he looks away and it has me wondering if Cooper didn't hit the nail on the head? Is Fox still in love with his ex? And if he is where does that leave me? Just some silly rebound while on vacation that he won't even think about when he goes home? Wow this really sucks. I get up and look at Fox. "I'm going to go and let you two figure this out."

I walk to the door and when Fox doesn't try to stop me it breaks my heart just a little. But I steel myself and walk away because I know have no one to blame but myself. I knew the score I knew he was just out of a messy break up. I knew there was a chance he wasn't over his ex, I just never thought he would get sucked back in like this.

I don't bother calling a cab and just walk towards the beach house. It's late around eleven so there aren't many people on the street so I walk in peace for the five minutes it takes to get home. Once home I try to sneak in but everyone is up in the living room drinking and talking.

It gets real quite when I shut the door and everyone looks at me suspiciously. Nolan is the first to say something. "So how did your date go? Your home kind of early?" I shake my head and head to my room because I don't feel like being social right now. I kick off my shoes and lay in bed.

It doesn't take long before Shawn comes and lays on my bed next to me. "Are you ok? Did he do something to you? I can kick his ass if I need to." I laugh and shake my head no. "It's nothing new just some of his past is catching up to him here and it left no room for me."

Shawn shakes his head. "I know your all emo hipster but that was pretty cryptic even for you dude. Are you sure your ok?" I nod. "Yeah I'm just going to go to sleep." Shawn nods before getting up and stopping by the door. "I'm sorry man." I whisper. "Me too." To the empty room and roll into my covers and try to fall asleep.


Waking up in the morning I don't feel any better about what happened last night. I grab my phone to see if maybe Fox called or text while I was asleep. And my heart plummets when my screen shows nothing. I let let myself feel like an idiot for a minute and decide to forget about Fox today no matter what.

I get out of bed and no surprise I'm last person up and everyone is in the living room drinking coffee. I grab a cup for myself and join in on the conversation. "Good morning guys." I say while sipping my drink. Everyone replies and Brandi smirks. "So what happened last night you have to tell us, we are your best friends plus I want to know if I should nut punch him the next time I see him."

That surprises a laugh out of me. "Good god woman is that what you do to Shawn when he doesn't listen?" She smirks. "I'll never tell. But come on Dyl I'm worried about you, what happened last night?"

I huff. "Fine, fine." I go on to explain the whole ordeal and I'm shocked when neither one of the twins say anything snarky or sarcastic about Cooper like I thought they would. I start to feel insecure in the silence that follows my statement before Shawn speaks up. "I'm sorry dude, maybe it's just bad timing I mean he sounds like a good guy but maybe you should steer clear of him if he has all this drama going on with his ex. I don't want you to get hurt in the cross fire you deserve better man."

I nod. "I was thinking the same thing but man I know it sounds stupid but I really do like Fox and it's not really his fault he is getting dragged back into this mess. If anything it's that stupid twink Cooper's fault he won't believe Richard is just doing to him what he did to Fox." I grumble and Nolan jumps in. "Oh no I'm not having this lets go out tonight. Let's get dressed nice and go out on the prowl I know Liam and I haven't been with anyone for a while I will be good to get back out there. What do you think Dyl?"

I'm silent because I think the twins might be pining for Austin but I don't think either one wants to admit it and I don't want to be the one to point it out. I don't know if Austin is the reason they aren't staying in touch or if the twins just don't want to be tied down this summer. But I do know that Nolan and Liam haven't been the same since Austin left.

Before I can answer Nolan, Brandi and Shawn agree and it's all set without any input from me that they will find me a new man tonight. Ugh my friends are crazy but I do love them. Even when they think they know best and that a new guy can make me forget about Fox. I hate to sound like the stupid emo romantic Shawn thinks I am but I don't think anyone could make me forget about Fox.

Sorry it's a day late Loves, but comment or vote and let me know what you think.

Fox's Worth #7Where stories live. Discover now