CH 4 A walk to Remember

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Dylan's POV-

Walking down the pier at eleven o'clock at night is actually rather peaceful. There aren't a lot of people out at the beach at this time of night, when the weather is cooler and the wind is picking up a chilly breeze. Walking next to me is Fox, he looks so peaceful in his quietness like being out here in the fresh air is something to savor and not spoil with words.

We continue to the end of the pier and stop and sit on the benches there. Fox leans his body facing me giving me his full attention. "So Dylan, I know your in college and you love taking photos but is that what you are going to school for?"

I shake my head no. "No I'm a boring business major. But I have taken a couple photography courses too it's just not my major. I want to be rich one day and I'm afraid taking pictures won't get me there. Ya know."

Fox looks sad. "You should really follow your passion my grand father always told me to be passionate about what I was going to do for a living otherwise, it would always feel like work."

I smile. "That's wonderful in theory but a job is work isn't that the whole point. You go to work to get paid not because it's fun but because things need to be done." Fox shakes his head. "No you can't have that attitude towards your job, if you want a life long career somewhere you should be passionate about what you do. Sorry I still remember what it was like to young and just want success. Sorry never mind, look at me trying to be your a guidance consular."

I can't help but chuckle at that. "You act like your fifty come on you can't be over thirty." Fox smiles. "Thirty two in March and I guess I'm just use to hanging out with an older crowd. What about you? Since your going to be a senior in college if I had to guess twenty two? Twenty three?"

I nod. "Bingo twenty two. And what do you do for a living what are you passionate about." Fox looks up into the night sky and sighs heavily and I can tell I hit a sore subject. "It's ok you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Fox looks back me. "No it's ok, right now I can't decide if I want to quit or stay where am at. It's all kind of a mind fuck at this point. I don't want to bore you with my sob story but my ex is my business partner and let's just say right now I hate him so much I can't stand to look at him."

I nod in understanding. "Yeah ex's suck like that. But what about your work? Is it something you love to do? Is it something you can give up?" Fox exhales before looking on the other side of the pier. "Yes I love what I do, some people may think crunching numbers is boring but it's not, to me it's a puzzle I have to work out and I feel incredibly satisfied when I finish my work. Plus I get to meet with clients and I am very much a people persons and I guess I don't want to give it up. But damn, I'm just stuck, I guess that's why I'm here in South Padre I don't want to leave work but I can't stay at the same time."

"Well I guess being here is a smart thing then, give yourself the time off you need and I'm sure you will make the right decision." Fox stands and reaches for my hand to pull me up. "Come on let's go put our toes in the sand." I nod and follow back down the pier until we reach the benches at the beginning of the beach. We both sit and pull off our shoes and roll up our jeans before steeping on the cool sand.

We walk down the beach and I enjoy the sounds of the ocean and the birds it's a peaceful night. I end up closing my eyes as we walk until Fox soft voice causing me open them. "You know when I was your age I had already been with my ex husband for a couple of years?"

I shake my head wondering why Fox is telling me this. "No, but it must have been nice to have someone there for you at such a young age." I smile softly but Fox looks hurt. "That's the thing because I was so young I am having a hard time trusting myself, do I remember things like they truly happened or was a wearing the googles of a naive young love sick fool. I can't tell anymore and it's killing me to be unsure of myself after so long of being so confident in myself, all these feelings are foreign to me."

Fox's Worth #7Where stories live. Discover now