CH 8 Fresh Starts

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Dylan's POV-

Two tortuously slow weeks go by and I see Fox almost everyday but we haven't done anything more physical than kiss and grope each other. It's been driving me crazy, I know before Cooper showed up two weeks ago we were definitely going to get down and dirty but then Cooper showed up and ruined everything. Now it's like Fox has put sex off the table and I'm just not sure why.

He still comes over and hangs out, we go to the beach and dinner and have a wonderful time but once night falls and I invite him to bed he always declines with a sweet kiss and "I should go". It is driving me slowly crazy, it's not that I can't go without sex because I can it's that I don't know what's holding Fox back from taking that step with me.

I have tried talking to the twins but they aren't any help, Shawn tries he really does but really he is just as clueless as me as to why Fox is holding back. That leaves Brandi and I know I swore to myself I would never ask for her advice on my sex life, because she likes to insert herself enough without my encouragement but here I am knocking on her bedroom door doing just that.

"Come in." I take a deep breath and open the door and see Brandi laying down looking over her book at me with a smile. "You finally came to me I have been waiting." I sigh and think to myself desperate times call for desperate measures. Brandi laughs and sits up while placing her book on the dresser. She pats the spot on the bed next to her and I reluctantly sit, I could still leave I think but Brandi stops me. "Just tell me what's on your mind love, I already heard you ask Nolan and Liam then Shawn why Fox is being a prude so just ask me my answer might surprise you."

I exhale slowly and tell Brandi everything I have been thinking, about how Fox is holding back and it's driving me insane that I have tried throwing myself at him and making the first move but he rebuffs me every time. Brandi looks thoughtful taping her manicured nail against her chin. "I think that man is scared, plan and simple. I bet he thinks that if you guys have sex that either of you will eventually get board and move on or he could be scared that if he allows himself to be intimate with you he will fall in love with you. Maybe he is just trying to protect himself the best he can."

I nod because really that all makes reasonable sense but it still leaves me with he question of what to do about it. It's like Brandi can read my mind. "Dyl you got to lay your cards out on the table. Tell Fox what you except and what you don't, let him know sex doesn't always mean love and falling in love with you shouldn't be a scary thing because your solid. You are not his ex and that's what you need to tell and show him love. Then the fun can begin."

I shake my head with a smile and hug Brandi. "Thanks I needed to hear that. And I'm actually pretty impressed with your restraint I thought you would fill our little talk up with innuendos or it would be a lot more dirty. I wasn't embarrassed not once by you saying something widely inappropriate  about butt plugs and anal beads."

Brandi gets an evil smirk. "I would run now because I'm thinking up some pretty fun ways you could tie Fox up and use those exact things on him." I laugh but also get up quickly and make my exit. I love Brandi she is wild, loud, and outspoken but she can be very insightful when she wants to be. She is the perfect opposite to Shawn who is always quite and calm, they even each other out and really do make a great couple. I hope to one day have the kind of relationship they have.

Going to my room after watching some TV I shut the door for privacy and pull out my phone and dial up Fox who answers on the first ring making me laugh. "Hey Fox, do you want to come over?" I hear laughter in return. "I was just about to call you and yes I would love to come over I will be there in five." We hang up and I go into the living room to wait.

The twins are off at the beach with Shawn leaving only Brandi and I at the house. I hope without all the guys here I can talk Fox into a movie in my room. Moments later I hear a knock on the door and bounce up to answer it. Fox is wearing board shorts and a tank top and looks fucking incredible and I catch myself staring before moving aside to let him in.

Fox's Worth #7Where stories live. Discover now