CH 9 You Can't Run Away Forever

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Fox's POV-

The last week I can tell something major is happening at my work, my receptionist/assistant Staci has called me numerous times for various different reasons. I have been able to handle all of the problems from South Padre but I have a gut feeling that something is wrong and I should go home and check it out. I don't know what the hell is going on at Crawford and Morrison but I need to know soon. Now how do I tell Dylan this? I have absolutely no clue.

I feel like Dylan and I just got on solid ground together and now I'm going to have to leave and my biggest worry is what if Dylan doesn't even care that I'm leaving. What if I was always just a summer fling. A romance to get through the lonely summer before he goes to back to his real life and gets a job, if that was the case it would kill me. God you would think after Rich I would have guarded my heart better than this, but no two months and I'm already falling in love with Dylan. It's past mere like or lust it's deeper and more substantial, well for me it is. What am I going to do?

I pack up my bag and check out of my hotel room and drive over to Dylan's. I still don't know what I'm going to say or really do when I knock on the door. Shawn opens the door and let's me in. "You can wait for Dylan in his room he is in the shower, me and Brandi are heading out." He says with a wink and I wave to them both as they leave and I go sit on Dylan's bed to wait.

Just looking at this bed makes my heart race and my cheeks burn. I can't believe it's only been a week since we turned our relationship physical. I can't believe I was so nervous and scared for no reason. Dylan walking in with nothing but a towel on derails my train of thought. He notices me immediately and smiles. "Hey Fox what's up?"

I watch as Dylan puts on a little show while getting dressed. I can't help but laugh when he shakes his naked ass at me before slipping on some board shorts. "Ahh commando I see." Dylan nods. "But of course." He plops onto the bed next to me and I gather him up in my arms bringing him close.

I rub my nose with his and Dylan gets a dreamy look that I don't want to erase but I know I have to but maybe after. I kiss and lick my way down Dylan's shirtless torso stopping at his board shorts and Dylan helps me shimmy him out of them. I mouth around his cock and balls getting them nice and wet before taking him all the way in my mouth and sucking gently. I start sucking firmer and fingering his hole softly making him groan.

Dylan starts bucking into my mouth and I pull up a little and start stroking him while playing with his entrance. I look up and Dylan is smiling at me and reaching for some lube. I watch entranced as he pours the liquid on my fingers and his opening before tossing the bottle aside. Now my finger glides effortlessly into him and I add another as he rides them I take his dick back into my mouth but he stops me. "No, fuck me please Fox?"

I nod. "Are you sure?" Dylan nods and pulls me down for kiss. We kiss while I finger him until he is open and ready for me. "Wheres a condom?" Dylan points to the drawer and I open it and grab the foil packet quickly before suiting up. I go back between his legs and line myself up at his entrance and push in slowly feeling his insides squeeze me. I moan and drop onto my elbows as I feel his tight ring of muscles give as I bottom out. "Mm oh my god that feels amazing."

Dylan only nods and I lean down to kiss his soft lips while pumping my hips. I feel Dylan squeeze his inner muscles and I groan. "Mm do that again sweetheart." He does and I start to pump more aggressively and Dylan's dick is smearing my stomach with precum as it slides between us. Dylan moans and his ass spasms around me as I feel him cum. It only takes a few more thrusts into his tight channel for me to cum long and hard into him.

"Fuck me." I whisper as I pull out slowly and drop the condom on the floor. Dylan is breathing hard as I flop down next to him. "Sure maybe later." We both laugh softly and I pull Dylan into my arms. "Mmm that was amazing." Dylan nods resting his head on my shoulder. After a few minutes I pull Dylan up. "Come on let's take a shower were a mess."

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