CH 12 Job Hunt

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Dylan's POV-

It takes two exhausting weeks for me to finally line up some interviews for employment in my field. All the positions I'm interviewing for are low end secretary or assistant jobs but I have to start somewhere. Besides going home to see my parents and brother for a few nights when I got back to town I have been crashing here at Fox's and using his dinning room as my command center for my job search. He doesn't seem to mind me in his place while he is at work and I'm thankful because it has made my life much easier being right in down town and able to walk in places for my job search.

I still have about five hundred dollars left from my job at the library last year but its dwindling down so I'm really hoping I nail one of these interviews tomorrow. Fox doesn't let me pay for anything which helps a lot but I still have my cell phone and other small expenses and I hate asking my parents for money. But today I'm going to spend some a money and surprise Fox by buying some groceries and making dinner for him to celebrate my interviews.

I grab my keys that have a spare key to the loft on it and set about my shopping trip. I walk about a block to the closest grocery store and start grabbing everything I will need to cook a nice chicken fettuccine pasta dinner. I make it out with my two bags and walk back to the loft as the sun beats down on me. It's already a quarter after four but Fox hasn't been getting home until around six so I still have time to clean up before I start dinner.

I clean up my mess on the dinning room table from earlier and turn on some music as I go and unpack the groceries. My phone rings and look down a and see mom flash across the screen and groan as I ignore the call. My parents want me to bring Fox home for family dinner this Sunday and I have been dodging them the last two weeks and I don't think I will get away with it for another so I have to think of a way to invite Fox without making it seem like the big deal it is.

Dinner with my family is usually an easy going event unless me or my brother happen to be dating someone and bring them with us then I swear it turns into the marriage interviews from hell. My parents are dying for my brother and I to settle down and give them grand babies to spoil. My little brother is only twenty one and still in college and I just graduated, we are still so young but you would think we were pushing thirty the way my parents act trying to get us settled down.

My phone rings again as I throw the chicken on the frying pan and I look down to see its Fox calling. I can't help the smile that pulls at my lips as I answer the call. "Hey sweetheart." It sounds like Fox is in the car and I panic thinking I should have started dinner earlier. "Hey are you on your way home?" I hear a laugh. "I wish, but no sweetheart I'm driving back from a meeting but I have amazing news and I couldn't wait to tell you."

I smile and hold the phone between my shoulder as I flip the diced chicken. "What babe?" There is a small pause in which Fox takes a deep breath. "I just got done meeting with Richard and he sold me his shares of the company! I didn't think this would ever happen but I guess he liked my offer and he signed the deal today so I now own eighty percent of my company!"

I smile widely. "That's wonderful I'm so happy for you. Are you coming straight home? I have something I want to celebrate with you also."

"Yes I am about thirty minutes away now and what are we celebrating sweetheart?" I turn the chicken on low and start to boil the cream for my noddles before answering. "I scored two interviews tomorrow."

"Oh sweetheart that is wonderful I'm so happy for you and from the sounds of it you are cooking us dinner?" I laugh because I totally forgot it was a surprise. "Yeah I am cooking some chicken fettuccine for us to celebrate, I even got us a bottle of wine."

"That sounds wonderful ok well I will let you go so you can finish cooking and I will be home soon." We say goodbye and disconnect as I thicken up my Alfredo sauce. I throw the bread in the oven and sit and wait for Fox to come home. I'm so excited he is finally done with negotiations with Richard. I could tell the toll they were taking on him over the last two weeks and I can't wait for my fun loving lover to go back to being carefree and happy all the time again.

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