CH 5 Austin the Great

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Fox's POV-

Sunday comes all to quick and Austin is packing up to head back to Dallas for his work week. I feel depressed that he is leaving me here all alone it was nice to have his company for the weekend it really helped me not feel so lonely. "Can't you stay? Come on take a vacation spend the week with me?"

Austin shakes his head no. "You know my father would kill me if I took off for a week with out notice. You know how hard he is on me when it comes to business. He is extra hard on me to show the other employees he's not favoring me. Besides I would only hold you back, your using me as a security blanket. Go out spread your wings and make new friends and have fun Foxy."

I roll my eyes at the nick name I just can't shake. "Come on what about the twins you spent every night with them so far, are you sure you want to leave them?" Austin's grumbles while blanching. "That's low Fox." I shrug. "Fine, fine I'm sorry go home and leave me here." I finally concede while laying on the couch rather dramatically.

Austin hands me a pice of paper and I look down to see Dylan's name and number scribbled on the back of Austin's business card. "Call him Fox he would be more than happy to spend time with you. Stop being stubborn." I sigh as Austin picks up his bag and I walk him to the door. I hug him tight to me. "Thanks for coming I really do appreciate it, even if you can't stay."

Austin nods. "I know I love you Foxy please forgive yourself and actually move on while you are here. Promise me you'll try." He pleads and I nod. "I will.... try." Austin nods and leaves I watch him until the elevators close and I suddenly feel well and truly alone, again.

I go back into my suite and lay on the couch and channel surf before the card feels like it's the biggest thing in the room and I grab it and program Dylan's number into my phone. I don't know what I'm going to do with the number I just want to have it and for some reason that relieves some of the loneliness I feel now that Austin is gone. I decide enough is enough and get up and head back down to the bar for something to eat maybe a little social interaction will be good for me. Who knows?
The week flys by with out me calling Dylan. I look at my phone and stare at his number a million times over the week but never can bring myself to text or call him. I convince myself that he must have moved on by now. He is a college student on summer break after all he has probably already moved on to the next, no matter what Austin says.

Austin calls and texts me through out the week to see if I have "grown a pair and called yet." But the answer is always the same. "No." I don't know what's stopping me? Dylan is a handsome and  intelligent guy that I enjoy spending time with so why can't I just call and ask him out. It's not that hard in theory but every time i get the nerve and talk myself into calling I hang up before it can even ring.

I feel even more pathetic when I check my email and see the beautiful photos Dylan sent me. Not only the shots of me but he added a couple scenery pictures of the ocean as well. They are truly beautiful pictures and I still don't understand why Dylan doesn't want do more with his talent in the future.

I check my email again to make sure Stacey doesn't need anything from me at work and see a new email from Dylan. He just sent it today. I open the email and see a smiley face emoji in the context and three attachments. I open the attachments and see more beautiful scenery pictures as well as a single candid shot of Dylan laughing. I wonder if one of his friends took the picture because he definitely didn't.

I close my email and call Austin right away he picks up on the third ring. "Yes Foxy what can I do for you on this fine Sunday afternoon?"

"You know I'm going to have to think of an equally horrific nick name for you as well if you don't stop calling me Foxy." I hear Austin chuckle. "What's up man?"

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