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Dylan's POV- Fox's new condo pictured above

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Dylan's POV- Fox's new condo pictured above

Siting on the patio watching the waves roll in with Nolan and Liam is more peaceful than I thought it would be. For once the twins aren't being loud or rambunctious it's like we all don't want to leave this place but know our time is almost up. We leave in three days to get back to the real world where my friends will finish college and I will start looking for a real job. I can't say I'm not nervous but I feel ready more than anything four years of college has me ready to move on in my life and start a career.

Shawn and Brandi come out on the patio with a couple beers. "Here you go love." I grab the beer and thank Brandi as she looks at me sadly. "Has he called yet?" I take a gulp of my beer and shake my head. "Umm, not yet but it's only eight he has time." Brandi hums and Shawn puts his arm around the back of my chair. "Well we are here for you if he doesn't call. I know he has been distant since he left but I'm sure he has a good reason."

I nod but honestly I'm starting to doubt that Fox will even make it back here before we all leave we have only talked and texted a couple of times since he went home last week. Shawn squeezes me shoulder and I lay my head on him. We all sit in in an uncommon silence watching either the waves or the stars and just soaking in the view. My stomach rumbles and everyone laughs. "I'll go order some pizza."

I run inside and grab a local pizza places number off the fridge before calling in an order. I get enough for everyone and decided to wait in the living room while charging my phone just in case. The pizza only takes thirty minutes to get here and in that time Fox still hasn't called me.

Feeling frustrated I take the four boxes out to the patio and Shawn goes and gets more beer and plates. As we eat we all talk about how great our summer has been. And how we should plan to come back down here for spring break. "You guys I will have a real job by spring break and probably won't be able to just take a week off." I pout and the twins crack their first smile. "Don't worry Dyl you will have your new boss wrapped around your finger I'm sure you can come back with us in spring."

I snort. "Sorry I don't have a sexy twin to play mind games on my boss with. And what if it's a girl?" Nolan shrugs. "Sorry but girls go crazy for the twincest thing too. But I have confidence in you you'll be here with us come spring."

Brandi nods. "Yeah they are right I'm still waiting to walk in on them one day I have seen you and Fox now all I need to see is the twins with someone and my little heart will be complete." Shawn groans. "Really babe? Like I haven't heard how big Fox's dick is for the last month at least once a week, you don't need anymore simulation and come on we have all heard them isn't that enough? I can't wait to get back to a place with just us, I love you all but TMI guys TMI."

Everyone busts up laughing as Brandi pats Shawn's shoulder. "Oh sweetie being at our own place won't stop me from talking about it. But your are right it will be nice to be out of the dorms and in our own apartment. I can't believe you two choose to go back to the dorms." Brandi tells the twins and they just shrug. "It's just a place to sleep and not all of us have rich parents sending us a monthly allowance."

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