CH 7 Just My Luck

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Fox's POV- Nolan and Liam pictured above

I put my phone down and look at Cooper. "Everett said he will look at all Rich's old stomping grounds, but it could take some time for him to find out anything. I gave him your cell number to contact you as soon as he knows anything. Are you sure there isn't anywhere you think he could be?"

Cooper looks solum. "No I have called all our friends and have looked everywhere I could think of and its like he disappeared." I nod knowing exactly what that feels like. "I'm sorry Cooper I wish Rich was different but this is his MO. He is living at your apartment correct? I know I took the house in the city but he kept the cabin in the mountains did you look there?"

Cooper looks shell shocked and barely whispers no. "I had no clue, he never took me there. Now I'm scared to find out if he is there with someone else. I don't think I want to know. Thank you Fox. Really thank you I'm just going to go home and wait for him."

Cooper gets up in a rush and heads for the door but I stop him. "Cooper believe me I know what this feels like, you should go to a friends or family members house to wait it out. Go somewhere where you are loved because if you find out he is cheating or if something did happen to him you need to be with people who love you."

Cooper nods silent tears sliding down his face. "I really am sorry Fox." Is all Cooper says before leaving and this time I let him go. I can't stop myself from calling Everett. "Hey check the cabin, Cooper didn't know anything about it so that's my best guess."

Ev huffs. "I swear Fox you are to kind I would have kicked Cooper out without any explanation and here you are hiring me for the third time over this scum bag Richard. If I didn't know better I would swear he had a gold penis..." I chuckle and Ev continues on his rant. "Please don't get yourself sucked back into Richards drama, you deserve so much better than that old fool."

I know Ev's right but it's easier said than done. "Thanks I know you don't understand it but I need to know if Richards ok. Even if he is off with another lover again maybe knowing that it wasn't just me will help me move on. And if you ever saw Cooper, you would understand why I helped him. He is barley nineteen the same age I was when Rich sucked me in I feel like I see myself in him and I know the pain coming his way and I can't help but feel sorry for him."

I hear silence on the other line before Ev's sigh. "Ok man I will take a look at the cabin and report back to you and Cooper once I know anything." I say goodbye and we hang up. It's past two in the morning and I'm exhausted so I decide to crash for the night. Fuck I had such a nice evening planned for Dylan and somehow Rich managed to fuck that up for me. I can't believe he is still ruining my life.


Waking up I can tell by the bright sunlight flittering into my room that it's early afternoon. I feel like shit but I force myself up and into the shower anyway. I let the warm water relax me but I can't stifle my yawn. I get out after a quick wash and head straight for the coffee pot. Once I have some caffeine in me I look at my phone and see a missed call from Ev.

I press on his number and wait for him to answer his phone. When he does he sounds very somber nothing like the Ev I know. "I'm so sorry Fox." Is all Ev says. "What? Just tell me I can handle it." I say seriously worried for Richard.

Ev goes on to tell me that Richard is fine and is at the cabin with a new guy and even though it shouldn't, my heart aches. I feel sick to my stomach like I just found out he was cheating on me again not Cooper. I say a quick good bye and throw up my coffee before laying back in bed.

Fox's Worth #7Where stories live. Discover now