CH 14 Getting Down to Business

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Fox's POV-

It's getting chilly outside with Christmas coming up soon so I pull my jacket closer around my neck to stave off the cold. I'm walking around down town trying to find the perfect gift for Dylan it's hard since I pretty much got him everything he wanted for Christmas presents already. But tomorrow will be our six month anniversary and I have to find him the prefect gift. I want to get him something special but I can't find anything that seems right so I decide to head back to my office.

The elevator doors opens and I walk down the hall and see Dylan with his head set on talking so I just nod and he winks as I head into my office. I can't believe Dylan didn't want his job at first he is a complete natural at it. Everyone he talks to he charms and he can get even the toughest clients to change there appointments which poor Staci never could. He really has made my life easier but I still want him to chase his passion for photography but for now he is happy in his position so I don't push him too much on the subject and just enjoy getting to work with him.

That gives me a wonderful idea for a present and I go online to search eBay for an antique cameras for Dylan. After hitting buy on the perfect one and selecting over night shipping I quickly close the browser as Dylan walks into my office closing the door behind him. "Umm I have a Richard Morrison here to see you, he doesn't have an appointment but you have time if you want to see him."

I get up and walk over and hug Dylan. "Sure sweetie I will see him send him in but call me in ten minutes and tell me I have to leave for a meeting ok?" Dylan nods before kissing my lips. "Ok I let him know." Dylan squares his shoulders and walks back out of my office and I take a seat at my desk.

A minute later Dylan is escorting Rich into my office and closing the door softly. I stand and even though I hate to I reach my hand out to shake Rich's I do. "Hello Richard please have a seat. What can I do for you?" I can only assume he is here on business but we don't even have that in common any more so I guess he could be here for anything.

My mind spins as Richard sits and opens his suite jacket. I notice he is going grey around the temples and he has deeper lines in his smile. He looks older a lot older than his age, it's crazy how much someone can change when you don't see them for long periods of time. Richard smiles his pearly white teeth at me and I remember I was once in love with that smile and would do anything to have it aimed at me.

I shake my head and look back at Richard as he begins to speak. "How are you Fox? Is business still doing well since I have been gone?" I bristle and the implication that I wouldn't do well without him. "Of course business is fine, why are you planning on coming out of retirement and being my competitor?"

Richard laughs heartily. "Calm down Honey it was just a question you don't have to read into it." I sit back in chair and take a deep breath. "Ok Richard why are you here?" He leans forward closer to my desk and reaches for my hand. "I have missed you Fox. We were best friends and business partners far before we were ever married and I just want to come in and check on you and see how you are doing its what your grandfather would have wanted really."

I pull my hand out of his grasp and laugh at his attempt to manipulate me. "Good lord Rich we are not friends we stopped being friends when you went behind my back and not only slept with a slew of men while we were married but you tired to sale a portion of my company out from under me. How is any of that leave rom for friendship between us?"

Rich sits back in his chair again. "Love it just not that black and white. I'm sorry I hurt you I didn't realize how much I needed you until you cut me out of your life. I forgot what it felt like to be alone truly alone without a partner and I'm sorry for what I put you through and I'm ready to grow up and move on. I want to us to give it a try again, I love you Fox and I want to come home let the past be over with and let's move on babe."

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