CH 2 Undeniable

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Dylan's POV-

Laying in bed with the breeze ghosting over my body through the open doors I pry my eyes open. The sun is out bright in the sky telling me it's already late in the day. I rub the sleep out of my eyes while they adjust to the brightness in my room. I stretch and pop my neck as I finally pull myself out of bed. Man I love summer and the beach. Even after being here a few weeks already, I'm still in love with the sand, the ocean breeze, and the quiet.

"Get your lazy ass out of bed!!" Ok maybe it's not so quite when your renting a beach house with four of your closest friends. "Shut up Brandi it's only eleven!" I yell back at my best friends girlfriend who came along on our boys trip for the summer. She walks into my room without even knocking in a sun dress and flip flops. "Come on we are ready to head out to get something to eat. And I'm not waiting on you any longer."

I huff. "No way is Shawn already up." Brandi just beams. "Yes my boyfriend and I have been up since nine and Nolan and Liam have been up since ten so be happy that we let you sleep this long. Now get that cute little butt out of bed and let's go. Chop Chop!!" She claps her hands.

I groan as she walks away. "My butts not small." I say to the empty room. I jump out of bed and throw on some board shorts and a tank before quickly brushing my teeth and hair. I look in the mirror and rub my face in annoyance before just throwing on a beanie to cover my bed hair. I grab my wallet and camera before making my way to the living room.

Brandi was right everyone is dressed and lounging around presumably waiting on me. Liam looks up at me. "Finally man I couldn't talk them into leaving your ass here but believe me if I could have I'd be gone." Liam's twin brother Nolan slaps him upside the head. "God Liam, it's just lunch calm down you queen. Plus I made you a snack while you waited." Liam pouts at Nolan. "Ok enough you two let's go, I'm starving too. I swear you two bicker more than Shawn and Brandi."

Both twins shoot me an identical glare and I laugh as we all leave and walk down the street to a little cafe on the beach we found last week. We get in line and order our meals before finding a table outside that will fit all of us. Brandi and Shawn hold hands and make googily eyes at each other as I roll my eyes and the twins laugh. "So what's the plans for today guys? More surfing? Just tanning and being lazy or do you guys want to do something fun for once?" Shawn complains.

Everyone shrugs their shoulders before Brandi answers her boyfriend. "I think I'm going to go shopping today, we need some more food in the house. So if you guys want to have a guys day go ahead." The twins fist bump each other and Brandi laughs at there frat boy antics. We get our food and discuss what we should do. Shawn wants to go to the water park, the twins want to surf, and I just want to tan and be lazy maybe snap a few pictures.

After much discussion while we eat we decide to all go our separate ways today. Well except the twins they are going to go surfing together but that's no surprise they do everything together. I have even seen them take a guy or two back to their bedroom together and not come out until morning.

The twins and I head back to the house to grab our stuff and head to the beach. Once I find a good spot and lay out my beach towel Nolan and Liam drop their stuff off by me before running out into the ocean with their boards. I watch through my camera lens at them as they stand on the boards and cascade through the water a few times. I get some amazing photos of them surfing. I even get Nolan crashing hard into the surf on camera and laugh as both boys come join me for a break.

"Are you ok Nolan? That looked like it was a hard crash." Liam brushes his shoulder with his brothers. "Your fine aren't you?" Nolan nods with a slight blush. "We all crash sometimes, I'm just glad my board didn't get away from me." We all nod and the twins down some water before heading back out into the waves.

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