Cheese Cake

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Liv's Point of View
"Wow Liv..." Maddie said walking onto my set.

"I know. It's pretty cool right?" I replied.

"Yah it's amazing."

"Thanks!" I smiled.

"So what episode are you shooting today?" Maddie said shoving two brownies in her mouth at once.

I raised an eyebrow at her while she was eating. "..Well today we are doing an episode where Garson finds out about Tess' new found powers."

"Cool cool" She said as Josh walked by she then quickly wiped some chocolate off her face. "Who's he?"

(Sorry quick interruption... Since this is a fanfic, I decided to change how Josh and Maddie met... Okay?)

"Oh that's Josh, he plays my love interest Garson."

Holden then came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Yah... He was the one who got in the way of Liv and I." Holden teased.

"Oh cool." Maddie said tucking her hair behind her ear nervously.

"Maddie?" I asked.


"Does the name Diggie ring a bell? He's a jock, has good hair and is about yay high?" I said reaching a half a foot above my head.

"What's your point?"

"Well, your kinda drooling..." I said festering towards the drool rolling down her cheek.

"I'm actually not." She brushed it off her face. "I just saw a staff member bring cheese cake to the snack table... And it looks good!"

"Sure sure."

Maddie then walked away from me, grabbed a fork and started shovelling cheese cake down her mouth.

Sorry for the filler chapter.... But I just need to slowly lead this book into the spin off.

Oh I forgot to tell you. There will be a sequel/spin-off 💋 You're welcome 💝💝💝💝

There will probably be about three more chapters and then you will have to wait a couple weeks for the next book 🌺🌺🌺🌺

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