Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: They said it was Max..


"Bye honey! Have a nice day at school!" I yell to Carter as she hops out of the car happily.

"Mom!" She smiles at me embarassed. I laugh knowing I succeeded.

Carter is 13 years old, now going into 8th grade. She has short brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. She is a confident girl with a lot of hope. She has good grades so far and makes friends easily. I love her.

She walks into the school with friends and I can see her bright smile as she laughs with them. Another day will go by is what I think as I drive away from the school.

I drive home dancing to the song 'Roses' screaming it at the top of my lungs. I know, even the tune. I feel my butt vibrate, knowing it's my phone, I leave it there. Dont text and drive kids. Be safe.

I finally get home and look at my phone. I walk into the living room as I pull my phone out. Oh god. Dont tell me.

There are buttons on the phone. Mute, end, keyboard, pause, etc. I panic, wondering who I have been calling the entire time. I end the call quickly an-


Max. I see Max standing there with his phone and a huge smile on his face. He puts his phone down on the table in front of him, and I see my name on it.

I called Max. Thank god he's my husband and not my boyfriend, I'd be out of the picture. A smile peers across my face as I notice the phone. I feel myself laugh and I walk towards Max to hug him. He hugs me as I laugh.

God this is embarassing. I think while laughing.

"You like that song babe?" He asks me.

"Ha, Yeahhh.." I say while pulling away and scratching the back of my neck.

"Good singer." Max says while looking me up and down. Yeah, I noticed that look of absolute happiness knowing I'm his.

"Why thank you." I say while taking a small bow to him. We both laugh as we sit down on the couch together to watch some TV and relax.

The rest of the day goes like any other. Every other day is the same. Drop off Carter, come home, chill, go to work, head home, pick up Carter on the way home, and spend the rest of the day chilling. Every once and a while Max will need to edit a few videos at home but that happens very little.

Today feels weird. Today feels different. It's 2:36 and I have to pick up Carter in 20. But in my gut, it feels strange. Maybe I did something different I dont really know.

I re-trace my steps and realize all is the same other then the fact that Ty was in the office today. He's a nice guy.

I look over to Max who is now in the kitchen, who is looking sexy as ever as he washes a few dishes. Damn I love this guy.

I pick up my purse off the counter and look at Max.

"Okay, off to pick up Carter! I'll be back in a few." I say as I kiss him.

"Okay, have fun!" Max laughs. "Embarass our daughter for me!" He laughs again with his adorable smile.

"I promise!!!" I smile as I walk out.
I wonder If I can yell her full name in front of all her friends or, maybe tell her I love her and be all gooshy! Perfect! I smile as I think of these, knowing I wouldnt do that to her.

I show up at the school and wait for kids to rush out. It's Friday, so yes all of them will be jogging out of school.

Whenever Carter gets home she drops her backpack to the floor and raises her arms to the air while screaming
"I'm home from hell!" And she says hello to Max. Everyday is fun.

I see kids rushing out of the school by the tens as they pile onto buses. We live close enough to where we dont need to take a bus which is fine. Carter should be out soon, she walks out with friends and usually makes it out by 3:04.

I wait on my phone, just scrolling through social media. I look up and see Mason walking out. Carter and Mason have been friends a while. We kinda always had them together as kids, such as on weekends when they choose to come to the office to hang out. Theyre besties.

But It's unusal because she's usually with him. Walking out. I look at the clock feeling a little panicked seeing it's 3:07.

Rachel, Calm down. It's only a little time. She probably just got held back in class.

I see Mason walk past my car and I roll my window down.

"Hey! Mason!" I yell, he looks over and realizes it's me and smiles. He walks over to my car. "Have you seen Carter today?" I ask.

"She's not with you?" Mason asks with worry in his voice.

I panic. I try to hide it but I cant. Where the fuck is my daughter.

"Mason, i'll drive you home. Get in and tell me the story." I say with a straight face.

He willingly hops in and throws his backpack in the backseat.

"What happend?" I ask him bluntly.

"Well, Carter and I were in science and the teacher got a phone call saying Carter had an early dismissal. She turned to me happily and saying she can leave before she falls asleep in this class and we laugh. She grabbed her books and waved to me as she left." He says with panic in his voice.

"They said it was Max." He says.

"How? He wasnt even out today! He's been with me all day!" I half yell.

Fuck. Who has her.

I feel my heart pump harder and harder after every word.

"Okay, we're at your house. Thank you." I say.

"Do you want me to tell Ada-"

"No." I cut him off.

So many things going through my brain.

"Okay. Bye Rachel." He says worried.

He hops out of the car and I drive away.

Where the fuck is my daughter and who the fuck has her. Why her. Out of everyone they choose the innocent short brown haired girl. How could they. I will find this out.

I need to get home.

New Life; Sequel to New Job- MithzanMax Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now