Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Cracking Sticks and Codes


"O-oh no." I say looking at my phone.
"Put the phone down!" I yell at Max.

If he types that number, Carter is dead. Max looks at me as if I have 13 heads. I look back down at my phone for a second, debating what to do.

"Why?" Max says, pulling out the Y.

"T-this text. Wh-who ever has her knows..." I say, still not believing it. "He-He signed it though. I-I cant tell what.." I say, looking at the signature the kidnapper had left. |>\... What does that mean?! How do we crack this?

Max runs over to the living room and looks over my shoulder. Looking for a bit, trying to crack it.

"Okay, well, let's write it down.." He says. "It looks like a PL."

I look at it and think. I guess thats an option- but seriously I dont think the kidnapper would make it that easy..

"Write our options down." I say to Max. He instantly opens the drawer and pulls out a pen and paper.

"Okay, PL is one." He says, writing it.

What the fuck could this be? And what does it mean?! Address? Name? Initials? I cant tell...

"Max lets be the kidnapper..." I say bluntly.

"What?" Max asks, making sure he heard me correctly.

"The kidnapper. We need to be them. Follow the path..." I say.

Max nods lightly.

"Where would we put a kid.." I say/ask Max. We need to think of places, possibly an old town. None of those nearby. Maybe an abandoned apartment, which would take too long..

"Max," I say. "How many forest preserves are there around here?"

"Maybeee, 2?" He answers.

"Get in the car.." I say walking out "You're driving. I need to crack this code.."

Max simply nods and follows close behind me as I take out my phone.

I need to think. What the fuck could this be. Pl, maybe an address...

My thoughts are inturrupted by my phone screen changing.

"Adam is calling. Dont talk I got this." I tell Max.

I hesitate to click the button. I look at the green button on my screen and click it anyways. I press the phone to my ear and hear Adams voice.

"Hey, Rachel?" Adam asks.

"Yeah, wassup?" I ask, trying to sound as happy as I could.

"Where have you been? Youtube is blowing up because you havent uploaded! No one told us anything except Mason."

Shit, little brat. Told him not to-

"He told us you two were tired and needed a quick break, but shouldnt you upload quick ones made before hand?" Adam asks. "I can do it for you if you want."

I see Max pull up to the first forest and park. He sits there and watches me carefully, reading my emotions.

"Uh- Oh- Yes! Please. I totally have forgotten just from lack of sleep. Thank you so much!" I say.

New Life; Sequel to New Job- MithzanMax Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now