Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Not a Runaway


I feel myself grip the tire hard. Hard enough to turn my knuckles white. I feel tears dripping down my face constantly. I whimper as I wonder where the hell my daughter is.

Why am I not screaming? Why am I not passing out? Why am I not yelling her name from the rooftops?!

Im in shock. I dont believe it. I dont think this is real. I dont have enough will power to go through a mothers worst nightmare.

I drive as fast as possible down the street and even up our driveway I almost crash into the door.

I run out of the car and slam the door behind me.

I dont have any time to think anymore. All I can think of is to get inside.

I slam our front door open and fall onto my knees. No, crash onto my knees into a fit of tears.

Max oboviously hears me because he comes running down the stairs.

"Rachel? Rachel! Hey!" He yells as he lays my head on his shoulders. He places small kisses across my neck.

I calm down a little and look at him.

"What's wrong, wheres Carter??" He asks looking around.

"Sh-She-" I start but cannot seem to form the words in my mouth. "GONE." I scream as more sobs fall from my mouth. I yell more into Max's shoulder. He is completley still.

He is obviously in shock and doesnt believe it. Just like me.

I look at him and I see a few tears roll down his face. Oh no, he never cries. He's always stubborn to not cry. Whenever he cries you know he's really sad or really happy.

He jumps up quickly and calls the police after I calm down.

When he gets up I feel a sudden chill. Almost as if Ive lost the blanket that was once keeping me warm.

I have so many emotions right now. Carter is gone. Who has her? Why? My heart churns thinking about if she's already dead or not and I cry my eyes out. I cannot handle the thought of her being gone. I want her to suddenly walk in and say she was out with friends or something. I want her back. Her happy laugh and pretty smile.

She's not that old, and neither are we. Im only 35, and Max is 36. Why does she need to be gone.

I cry my eyes out more. I want her back. I want her back. I want her back.

I hear Max talk to the police frantically as I cry towards the ground on my knees. I cannot do this.

He yells into the phone just a few sentences over and over. Saying our street name and yelling "Missing child!" Over and over as he sobs into the phone.

I feel empty. Emotionally. I cant lose my little pumpkin.

Max slams the phone down and looks at me with his tear stained face.

"Theyre coming." He says.

I stop crying for a second. I cannot shed anymore tears, i'm most likely dehydrated so I need to stop, for just a minute. Max doesnt. He sobs a little more. He stands up and walks towards the kitchen.

I see him pull out his phone, which means he's probably telling his friends about it. Fuck. No he cant. Dont drag them into this.

"Max dont tell them." I say in a small voice, feeling weak. "Dont drag them into this."

I see in the corner of my eye that he nods.

He goes into the cabinet and grabs two glasses, and fills them with water. Water thank god, please before I pass out and die of dehydration.

He walks over and gently places it in my hand. He seems calm now. Collected. Trying to take realiz-

He walks back to the kitchen which makes me wonder what he's doing. He places his arms on the counter and his head follows on top of them.

"Max?" I ask.
No response.

"Max." I say louder.

"This cant happen! Who has my fucking princess!" He screams as he stands up.

He clenches his fists together and looks at me.


"Max! Calm down!" I yell.
He's really scaring me. His knuckles are turning white as he comes closer to me.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE COPS." He yells facing the window next to me. His fists still cupped into a fist.

He takes his fist and punches it straight into the drywall.

I shriek loudly when he does that, feeling scared and knowing how much strength he has scares me more.

I look back at him. His facial expression now shows he is sorry and gentle.

"Babe, I would never hurt you.." He explains to me.

"I know, sorry. I was just scared." I say.

He sits down next to me until we hear police sirens going up and down the street.

Finally, we can find her.

Max slams the door open.

"WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG" He yells loudly.

"Max. Calm down please." I ask him.

He whips his head around, "I CANT."
I flinch when he does so. He's starting to really scare me. "Sorry." He says.

The police pile put of the cars and into the house. I see neighbors walk outside wondering what's happening. I see children outside pointing to the cops and cop cars.

The police officer asks me quickly where she was last. School, where else dumbass?

"School." I say in a weak voice.

The detective shoos them away and they all run out into the cars.

They all run down to the school down the street.

Why? What evidence do they have that we dont? And how would they get it? They said it looked like Max.

"Please, let's sit down." He says with a pen and paper.

I nod my head and we all sit down.

"Tell me the story."

"Was that the whole story, Rachel?" The detective asks me.

"Yes." I say.

"I'm sorry. We cannot do anything until we know it wasnt a runaway." He says.



Max sits there, head in his hands not being able to cope with what's happening.

"We can't help you. Wait a few days, she'll be back. Carter will come back I promise." He says to me.

I stomp out. I stomp upstairs into the bathroom and wash my face.

It's just us I guess. My husband and I. We need to find Carter,


New Life; Sequel to New Job- MithzanMax Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now