Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Last Second


Oh fuck. Oh fuck no.. Max is alone, in the forest, lost, and with a fever.
He could die out there...

I immediatly think of all the outcomes,
all going wrong... I could find my husband dead in the forest...

I throw the note into my pocket and run around the house to see any evidence left there.

None. Nothing at all was left behind.

I give up on looking around and run for the front door. I try to turn the knob and fail to.

What? What?!? I jiggle the handle more and more, trying to open the door.

It's fucking locked.

No. No no no. I cant waste time. I need to save Max.

I slam myself into the door, attempting to open it. Yet it failed..

I look around and see a small crack in a window, in the bedroom. The bedroom I wasnt in.

I look into the room cautious of what is there or what could be there. I look towards the corner of the room and see a chair. An empty chair, with ropes around the legs.

I see a hankerchief next to the rope as well..

Should I pick it up? What it I see something I really dont want to..

That's what happened though. As I pick up the small cloth, I open it. I lay it on the chair and find splatters of blood on it.

"Oh jesus no..." I say to myself. I hear the echo of my voice throughout the small house.

I look towards the bed in the room as well and towards the floor. It was like a nightmare, seeming like blood randomly showing up, all over the floors and bed... What the fuck did he do...

I cant be here. I feel the tears in my eyes sting.

I need to get Max.

I pick up the chair and throw it towards the window, smashing it on the first try. I quickly hop through the window and end up in the cool air.

I look down at myself and realize my stomach has been cut, 4 times. And om my arm I see writing, saying "revir eva." I already know what that means... The street name is River Ave. I know that much.

I quickly look up in fear. Wondering if Max is dead or alive. Tears sting my eyes once again.

"MAX! MAX BABY WHERE ARE YOU" All I can picture in my head is his face, beaten and torn. His beard scruffy and messy. His hair filled with leaves and dirt. I need to find him.

I look behind the house and run. Not looking back. I run as fast as I can a few miles back.

"MAX!" I'm screaming. Every step fills with more and more fear.


I look down at my stomach to my shirt, which is bloody and torn.
I ignore it.

"MAX!" I yell again into the nothingness of the forest.

Nothing. Not a word.

I keep running.

I run for what seems like hours and I watch as it becomes late out.

I trip and fall multiple times over logs and my own feet. I get more and more tired as I run.

At one point I cannot go any longer...

I fall to my knees. I shove my palms onto the mug and leaves.

I fall over, feeling as if I'm losing myself.

I tell myself over and over, stay awake, stay awake, dont fall asleep, find Max..

I force my eyes open, I force my body, with whatever strength it has left to stand and run a little more. To find Max.

I run, not very fast but I run.

I yell as loud as possible, but right now loud isnt very loud.

I run more and more with few things on my mind.

Stay Awake.
Dont Fall.

The last one is very hard not to do, because I am only looking forward, and when a log is there I dont see it and trip. Which doesnt help.

Well I guess my life cant get very wor-

My thoughts are iteruppted by the sound of something that could make my life worse. Thunder...

No! No! No! The least thing I need right now is hypothermia.

I feel very few raindrops as they roll down my face. At this point I dont know if theyre tears or just rain.

I begin to give up, running less and less. Up until I am just walking.

I need to keep going.
I need to find Max
I need to find Carter
I need to push forward
I need to move.

I- I need to stop.
I- I need to sleep
I- I need to close my eyes.

I- I need to fall.

I fall to the cold, muddy ground. The back of my head is screaming at me to get up, but I only hear whispers of those thoughts. The thoughts that are loud to me are the ones screaming to fall and sleep.

I collapse onto the side of my back, and curl up into a ball. I reach my arm out and feel warmth. I feel I have one last word until I sleep.

"Ma-max." I say in a whisper.

I stop as my hearing is blurred.

"Babe-?" I hear a small whisper.

My eyes open with adrenaline, not much, but a little.

I look to my left and see Max's messy hair, and I see his hand as for that is what I felt.

Both of us lay here, and I think it's the end for us. He seems weak, and I bet I do too. This is the end of the road.

This is it. I lay here with my husband in the middle of the forest freezing.

I hear footsteps but I believe they are my imagination, falling into a dream world.

But my vision goes dark, not because I passed out. Because someone is standing above me.

I hear faint words but I make out a few of them before I pass out.

"I found them, theyre over here!"

New Life; Sequel to New Job- MithzanMax Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now