Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Painful Lies


Its been a few days and I ordered my own ticket to New York.

I am 100% sure I am going to regret this.. Something bad is going to happen..

I leave tonight, when everyone is asleep. As of right now though it's 9pm and everyone is in our living room planning what to do and when..

"Maybe we should get the address and surprise him, and we have guns and such." Adam suggests.

"That'll never work, Adam." Max says.

Max is pacing the floor while the others are sitting down. We also brought more people from the office to help.

Now it's Adam, Alesa, Mason, James, Ross, Max, Corey, and I to all get Carter.

This many people in danger, I cant let them do this...

I am also sitting on the couch, but I'm nervous. I have a secret bag packed under my bed so I can leave at 4am. I fidget with my phone in my hand.

I could die, Carter could die... I have to do this for her though. I dont care about the risk, I just want her safe.

"Rachel?" Max asks me waving a hand in my face. "How does that plan sound?"

Oh shoot, he was talking to me wasnt he. Well, If he asked me then the others said yes. I should just agree.

"Oh- uh- yeah." I say.

Max laughs a little.
"See, I told you she wasnt listening."

I shake my head and look down at my phone, as if knowing something will happen. As if I know that I'll get a text soon. And I was right..


All eyes on me. I feel like a kid on stage who just fell and everyone stares. I feel like the kid who forgot to put on pants before going to school.

"Is it him..?" Max asks, eyes wide.

I look down at my phone and read two words: Unknow number

I let out a fake sigh.
"No, just my friend.." I say shutting off my phone. "I'm gonna go upstairs real quick to text her, I'll be down in a bit."

Max nods his head at me and continues to throw out ideas on how to get Carter. As they do that I walk up to my room and sit on the bed.

I really dont wanna see what that message says... I'm scared to look... I guess I have to though..

I turn on my phone and run my thumb to the home button so I can unlock it. I see the red dot above the app and my heart races as I click it.

Now things have changed. Your daughter got a little hurt since yout friends found out. And if they show up in New York with you?! Oh! Thatd be a wonderful treat for Carter and her broken leg!
Come alone. The plans have been changed. I have camera access to the plane, so once your on, we'll talk then. Have a fun time, my dear.
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New Life; Sequel to New Job- MithzanMax Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now