Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: River Ave

On the plane I get more texts and I think more and more.

I hit my phone against my hand waiting for my text to send. Stupid airplane wifi.

I let out a frusterated sigh as I look at the texts between us. Carter has a lot of broken bones and bruises from this person. He has a fake voice over app everytime he sends a video and he only sent 2 videos of Carter. Just her screaming and the other one is her practically giving up. It kills me to see her in a dark room all beat up and bruised and I need to save her from the hell she's in.

Shes been trapped with this man for a week now. She's suffering.

My flight lands in a few minutes, I can see land through the window.

"As you notice, the seatbelt sign is on for we are landing. We will land in 5 minutes. Please put all desks up and please straighten your chairs. Thank you."

I quickly buckle my seatbelt and put the desk up. It's 9:15am now since flight to New York is 5 hours. Max should be texting me any minute. He will not be happy.

We begin to hit the ground and I can feel the wheels hit the blacktop. It's bumpy as all hell but doesnt phase me.

It feels like time slows as I wait anxiously for a text, any text to come in. Does anyone care?

The plane comes to a stop and I watch as the hall- thing, to be honest I dont know what theyre called, come down onto the planes door. They connect it on and everyone gets up to grab luggage. I see one person in the hall, a child walking on their own, grabbing their own luggage and leaving. He must have come alone but he looks young.

He had dark brown hair and a blue shirt. I wonder if he'll be okay.

I ignore the child and take my own carry on which is really just a small bag. I do have weapons though. Secret ones where even top security is hard to find because most are plastic.

For example, my hairbrush opens up to a point and can really hurt someone but thats only in case something happens.

I walk off the plane and hear my phone go off billions of times. I guess the wifi really sucked.

Boo- Are you insane!? Please come home you could get hurt.


Boo- Rachel, I love you come back.

Boo- Please!

Corey- Come back!!!! We need to go as a group.

Boo- Babe I love you too much to lose you.

Mason: No! Please come back!!! We need you here safe.

New Life; Sequel to New Job- MithzanMax Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now