Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Carters Hell


"And the equation for-"
Ms. Julie gets cut off from the phone ringing. Well, options. Someones either leaving school, or in trouble. Or need medicine but who knows.

I continue to write notes down. If I dont I'm probably going to fail my test.. So I need these.

Mason looks over my shoulder as I write and looks at the drawings surrounding my notes.

"You're a really goo-" Mason now gets cut off.

"Carter?" I look up to her and she gives me a warm smile. "Early dismissal I think It's Max."

What? I dont remember mom telling me that. Well, something mustve come up. I nod and smile at her as she tries to calm down the class. I turn to Mason,

"Hah, I get to leave early."
He rolls his eyes at me and laughs. I quick high five him and say bye while I look towards the door. I give him a quick wave as the door closes behind me.

I'm happy I dont have to learn all this weird school shit right now.

I run down the hall to my locker which is just around the corner.
I show up to my locker breathless from the run. Wow, I need to work out more..

"4-16-32" I whisper under my breath as I rip the locker door open. A sigh escapes my mouth as I pack my backpack.

Maybe mom just wants a day with me, maybe she is taking me to the doctor, aha what if I have ebola and just infected everyone in the class.

I happily jump down the hall and into the office. I see dad with a hood on, he usually has his hood on but today it's nice out. There are no teachers in the office at the time, which is usual I mean theyre usually around the corner in the side office. Dad takes my arm, not saying anything. Why? Isnt he going to tell me where we're going?

"Dad where are we going?" I ask confused.

He ignores me and continues to pull me out the door. Am I in trouble? What did I do?!

He walks me to the car and lets me in the front seat. Fuck, this isnt his car.. New car? I look up at him and see a glimpse of his face as I hop in the front seat. His nose is smaller, His eyes are darker, his smile is gone.. By the time I realize, the doors are locked. And He's already going down the road.

This isnt my dad..

"Fucking hell, let me out!" I yell panicked. "LET ME OUT!" I yell louder.

I need to do something to stop this from happening. I shouldve realized this wasnt dad..

I attempt to grab the wheel.

That was the biggest mistake of my life. He throws my arms off the wheel and reaches back to grab a gun. Fuck.
Before I know it, the gun is to my head and tears are dripping from my eyes like no tomorrow.

He hurries down the highway to who the fuck knows where. I dont know who this man is. And I dont know what he wants. I still cant get a clear shot of his face.

"W-where are we going?" I ask in a stuttered voice.

He coughs, as if to use a fake voice.
"Shut up, try anything stupid and you're dead in seconds." He threatens

I nod my head in absolute fear as we continue driving down the highway.
He throws on a mask to hide his face. I dont even care anymore, I just need out of here.

Time skip; Location. Time: 8pm.

We end up in a calm area. Forest area. But as of right now, not very fucking calming.

We've been in this car for hours and I still havent done, or said anything.

I focus on how deep in the woods we are right now.

We turn into a smaller road made of just gravel, no street lights.

This is where I die? Right? Straight out of a fucking horror movie.

He pulls over to the side to a almost parking like area, can fit only two cars, and reaches in back again.

He's grabbing a fucking gun and I know it. I quickly shut my eyes tight and wait. But instead of a gunshot, I hear the sound of tape, duct tape.

"Arms around your back." He orders. I do so and he wraps the tape 5 times around it. Tight as fucking hell.
"Close your mouth." He orders again.
I do so and I feel the tape go around my mouth.

He gets out of the car and begins to walk around to the side.

This is where you die. This is where you die. Dead, really dead.

He opens the door for me.

Fuck I'm so dead...

I stop thinking all together because everything running through my head is death related.

He forces me in front of him as he takes me further into the forest,
towards a dark wood cabin.

I panic as I see only one light on.

He wouldnt. Would he?

"I'm not gonna do what you think I will." He says in a obviously fake voice. "I'm getting paid for this, from an old friend." He says laughing.

I feel tears wet the tape. Is that a way I can get out?

We walk into the cabin and he throws me onto the couch as he walks in the kitchen.

He said he wouldnt...

He comes back and puts his hand to my cheek.

I flinch as he grabs the side of my cheek, and rips the tape off.

Fearful sobs of my own fill the room.

He then walks behind me and un does my hands.

I cant escape. There is no one around here, and no one will hear me. I am not fast enough to run and he will catch me. I take my hands and make them fists.

"Who are you!" I scream through my sobs.

He ignores me.

"Please!" I say, voice cracking.

He still ignores me.

"Give me your phone." He orders.

I sigh, taking it out of my pocket and putting it up right to his face.

He gets closer to my face, I only see mask and his brown, dark eyes.

"Keep that attitude up and you're dead." He threats.

I take my other hand and rip the mask just to his neck. I need to know who this fucker is.

He flinches back and looks at me in anger. I push myself back up against the couch, with my arms around my knees.

"N-n-no. P-Please. N-no!" I say, heart hurting with sadness and fear.
"Out of all people why- why you!" I scream through broken sobs.

"Because, I'm being paid. And I never was a big fan of your dad." He shrugs

Why him. Ive known him for so long. He was the least expected person.

"Welcome to Jins."

New Life; Sequel to New Job- MithzanMax Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now