Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Blank


"That could mean anything, Rachel! That get's us no where!" Max screams into the nothingness of the dark forest.

His face obviously gets very red due to anger. But I also watch as a tear roll down his face.

I stand up from where I was on the ground, and comfort Max, as he leans up against a tree.

This person could be anyone. Anyone ever. For all I know it could be a random person or someone we know.... I hate knowing what is happening to Carter. Or if she's already dead..

A tear rolls down my face as I feel my chest hurt. Feeling empty and crushed..

I look down at the ground at the plants and then I look up into the night sky. I turn off my flashlight and Max and I hold eachother as we cry. I look up into the stars. The amount of stars in the sky. So many that I couldnt even count. The moon in the sky that is so bright, even through the few clouds that would pass.

Max and I pulled apart from eachother.

"We need to keep looking." I say to him.

He slightly nods as I turn my flashlight back on.

I shine it to Max, not in his face but on his shirt, and it lit up his face.

He was worn. He had tears streaming down his face, and his shirt was ripped, probably from walking through bushes. His eyes were puffy and his hair was a wreck. His eyes showed no happiness, only sorrow and what seemed of confusion.

I probably seemed the same.

"Max we need to go back home and come back in the morning." I tell him.

"No." He says quietly. "We'll sleep in the car." He turns around the way we came and begins to walk.

I sigh and walk behind him, realizing how tired and worn I am. My legs feel as if they are machines and as if I had no control over them, theyre just automatic.

We walk on and on and on until it seems as if we were lost. Who knows if we're even going the right way anymore.

"Max" I lightly grab his shoulder. "We need to stop."

He turns his head to me and looks me up and down, seeing how tired I was.
Realizing how long we have been walking, he sits himself next to a broken log, and I turn off my flashlight as I sit next to him. We both lay down close next to the log.

I put my hands around him as we lean against the leaves on the ground. I put my head on his side as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. I shut my eyes tight, attempting to picture us, back in bed. Back when we were just dating.

I picture the light breeze in the room. The sheets tightly around us both. The warmth between the both of us, and no sound at all except the birds outside.

All of that becomes a small reality as I slowly fall into my dreams. The world stops and I am put into my own world, my own mind. Forgetting this ever happened. Only for a little bit...

<><>Time skip; Blank<><>

My eyes open slightly to the sudden warmth I felt. Why do I feel so warm? I cant see anything yet, only a blur. One thing I know is Its morning, because there is light. Atleast I think... That doesnt look like sunlight..

I attepmt to move my neck, but I am too achey to. I try to feel around for something, but theres nothing.. Not even Max.

At this point I am overwhelmed by the smell of old wood and rot.

My eyes shoot open as I see I am in a cabin, on top of a bed. I look down to reassure all my clothes are on, and they are.

I feel around the bed.

Wheres Max? Why isnt he here???
I stop for a second and close my eyes to take a quick breath. I them open my eyes again to know my surroundings. Dont panic, Rachel..

I stand up from the bed, placing the sheets next to me. Blue sheets, very old and itchy..

I walk a little bit towards the door, scared of whats on the other side. Scared of what might be there to kill me or take me hostage, like Carter.

I open the door a little more than it was. I hear a loud creak and stop myself. I realize no one is in this room..

"He-Hello?" I ask into the nothingness of the old room

No one answers.

I decide to keep walking around, and find myself in the kitchen. Looking around the counters, I see a type of medicine.
Everything stops around me as I realize what had happened and the confusion turns to realization.

I was drugged..

I start to panic, breathing is rapid. I begin to look around the house more.

"MAX! MAX WHERE ARE YOU?!" I scream into the empty house.

How the fuck did I even manage to get here?!? Who brought me here?!?

I look down on to the old rusted table in the kitchen and find a small note. I look at the signature, I know who brought me here...

So, Rachel. You know the code name! I'm so proud. We still have your daughter though. I have to give you credit, you almost found us! A few miles back and I found you both sleeping. I decided to drag you here and leave you to know that I'm on my way to New York. Lets see what happens there.. Youre probably wondering where Max is too! I left him there. He's lost and confused and has a pretty high fever.
Good luck honey.


New Life; Sequel to New Job- MithzanMax Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now