Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Ending the fight.

Oh my god. It was Red. It was all him?

"Fuck you too, Red" Carter says.

Max still has Red pinned against the wall to prevent him from moving, everyone else are helping Carter and Mason with their wounds.

I hear more and more sirens getting closer. Everything is moving slow. Every second is another second closer to more people getting hurt.

I hear the door slam open and my head shoots towards the stairs.


Max is pushing harder on red, holding him back. Red is in a very painful position with his arm reaching across his back, Max pulling, and his face pressed against the wall.

"Sir, please let go of this man." The police officer says to Max as he holds cuffs and a gun in his hand. Max follows his orders and leaves Red.

Paramedics start to rush in by now, taking Carter and Mason. I run with them, everyone follows close behind.

I dont believe this happened still. It's gonna process at some point and I'm gonna break. I'm not ready to break this hard..

We make it to the ambulance and we jump in with Carter, Adam and some others jump in the other ambulance with Mason. I hold Carters hand and Max's hand.

"We're gonna be okay."

----Time skip; Hospital.

I sit in the room with Carter. She had a lot of cuts and bruises that they helped her with. Mason was in a more critical condition but he is okay now. I see two police officers walk in and both Max and I quickly stand up. He comes closer and clicks his pen.

"If you could, I would like to know the story. We cannot arrest him until we known the story."

I sat him down outside and told him. Everything.
Losing Carter, not calling the police because of threats.
Getting taken myself in a cabin and losing Max
Getting saved by friends

At this point I'm sobbing because the thought of losing Max killed me. I would never get through that.

I go to get some coffee downstairs to stay focused on whats happening.

I cant think this shit actually happened. I feel like I need to pinch myself, like this is all just one terrible nightmare. Please, god, wake me up already..

I cant take this much longer, I just want to go home with my family and be happy..

I look at myself in the glass of the window, I see my face and I look lost, confused, sad, and gone. Obviously I feel this too, so I wasnt too surprised I looked like it too.

I got back upstairs quickly and trying to stay emotionless. I sit down with Max again and he holds my hand.

I told him the rest.

New York
Going Alone
Being handcuffed to a pole while I watched him hurt my daughter and friend.
When he was thr-

The police officer gets a call on his radio and quick answers.

I listen in as he stands up and turns away.

"Did you get them?"

There was then some mumbling from the other side.

"Okay, thank you."

He turns around to look at me and nods with a light smile.

"We have enough proof to throw this guy in prison. We just need you in court okay?" He asks.

I nod my head and quickly stop him once before he goes.

"Where did you get proof from?" I ask him.

"Cameras. Very old ones but they show everything. Thank you for your time, we will call you when we plan on doing a court session." He smiles and shakes my hand. I give him a light smile as he leaves.

"I dont wanna go to court. I dont wanna see Micheal." I say to Max, using Reds real name.

"It's okay, babe. He's going to prison for a very long time.." He says as he pulls me in for a hug.

I accept the hug and lightly cry into his shoulder.

I hear the door behind us open, it's Carters door. She must have hopped into a wheelchair and out here while dragging some vitals. Not that she's not allowed to, they told her she could.

"Hi baby. Dont you want some rest?" I ask her.

She shakes her head and looks up and down the halls. She has been sad and barley saying anything this whole time. She obviously is freaked out after all this, I mean who wouldnt. Plus shes just a teenager. They shouldnt have to go through this shit..

"I wanna see Mason." She says lightly, voice cracking a bit.

I nod and roll her over to an elevator. I click the button and the elevator closes. Theres obvious tension in the room. Both of us dont know what to say. The air feels thick, so when the doors open it feels like a breath of fresh air.

I roll her into Masons room, just to find out that hes in his chair too.

"I was just about to go see you." He says with an akward smile.

I see Carter smile when she sees him. She hasnt smiled much since Red. This is good.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat, I'll be back later." I smile.

Both wave to me and I quick walk off to leave them alone.


I see Carter and instantly my heart jumps. Yeah, I guess I really like this girl. I took a lot of hits for her and she knows and she was sorry for it all the time but, I would rather get hurt than her. Seeing her get hurt kills me. I could barley handle it.

She smiles at me and Rachel walks away. I see my nurse walk in.
Uh oh.
My nurse knows I like Carter. I told her everything and that I reall like her.

My nurse smiles at me and motion towards Carter.
"Is this Carter?" She smiles.

"I- uh- yes." I say scratching my neck.

"Oh so you talk about me?" Carter questions with a sly smile.

I laugh and nod my head a little and she laughs. The nurse motions towards me again.

"Are you feeling okay? Because I have a nice place that could make you two feel better." The nurse says.

I quick nod my head and look at Carter. She nods her head as well.

"Okay, Mason, I'll push your wheelchair, Carter are you okay with pushing yourself?"

"Yeah, I got this." She says smiling.

She rolls us into an elevator and clicks the floor 5. I smile as Carter talks about a new game that came out. She's trying to distract herself from everything that happened which is good.

The nurse rolls us towards a door and I read it. OB.

Oh my god no way, Carters going to love this.

We are rolled towards a glass window that shows a room with maybe 20-25 babies.

Carter gasps and makes a small "aw" noise as she looks at all the babies.

The nurse walks towards the computer behind us and does some work.

I look at Carter as she looks at all the amazingly adorable babies. I quick hold her hand in mine and she looks at me. I bring her hand close to my mouth and kiss it.

"We're okay now." I smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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New Life; Sequel to New Job- MithzanMax Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now