Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Gone for 4 days..


"Guys! She's waking up!" I hear someone faintly say.

"Everyone quiet!!!" Someone else says.

I cant seem to make out the voices, but in the back of my head the voices are very familiar..

One voice stands out the most.

"Max shut the hell up!" Someone yells.

"She's my wife! I can talk when I want to!" Max yells.

He's okay. Oh thank the lord he's okay.

I open my eyes very carefully, feeling very sick and weak. Mostly weak from the amount of walking. How long were we out there?!

I move around a bit, feeling my stomach, knowing my shirt hasnt changed and there is still blood all over it.

I sit up from where I am, which feels like a- a car seat.

I open my eyes wide this time.

"Wha-what happened?!" I ask, my voice craking a little.

Max looks at me with worry but, really, I should be worried. He's beaten pretty bad. A black eye, cuts all over his lips and head, obvious some need stitches.

"Rachel, dont look at yourself. We're on our way home." Adam says to me.

Home? Home?! No! We need to get to New York!

"No! I-I-I need to get to New York! Get me to the Airport!!" I yell, my voice cutting every once and a while.

I attempt to unbuckle my seatbelt, but Max calms me down.

"Babe, no. You must be dehydrated. Get us some wat-" I cut Max off.

"No!" I yell "Look in my pocket!!" I whisper yell due to my voice. My voice is dead from screaming in the forest so much.

Max looks down to my legs and reaches in my pocket to find a note.

I see his eyes go big with fear.

"After a few days of rest, we head to New York." Max says.

I feel a little bit of pressure release from my chest. I lay back again to notice who is in the car.

Adam, Tim, Max, and I.


I practically jump out of my seat from fear when the small teenager in back grabbed my shoulders.

"Sorry! Didnt mean to scare you."

"It's alright, Mason.." I say with a weak smile.

"Wait, shit.. Do you guys know..?"
I ask, my voice becoming higher pitched.

"Yes. Mason told us when you guys were in the forest.." Adam says.

"Oh." I say, a little sad.

I fiddle with my thumbs a bit. With so many questions I have for them, I need to choose one, the best one to ask first. Or If I combine them all into one.

"Guys, if I may ask, what even happened?" I ask everyone.

Adam takes a deep breath to start off.

"You were gone. Gone for 4 days I think it was, and everyone constantly texted and called for hours. For a few days we thought maybe just a break but then it became scary. At one point, the 4th day, we did the track your Iphone, and saw you were both in the forest, in different areas. You werent moving for a little, and at one point it stopped all at once."

Adam stops for a minute, as if still scared.

"We thought Max was dead for a while... He didnt move for 3 hours.. And you were moving towards him almost as if you knew where he was. But at one point you stopped moving for a solid, maybe, 30 minutes and we thought you were dead. Everyone was scared at this point, tracking you in the forest, until we stumbled upon you both." Adam rubs his face.

"It was scary when neither of you moved when we tried to wake you up. You both had a small pulse and were freezing. We were going to call the cops, but we got a text... from some weird sign."

I cut off Adam.

"It's an R." I say quietly.

Adam nods and we all stop talking.

"Lets get home." Max says holding my hand.

In this point of time, I lay my head back and close my eyes. Not remembering anything that happened that day except a lot of screaming and running. Other than that I dont even know where I was running from. I only remembered there was a note in my pocket and that Carter was in New York.

I look back down at my stomach at the cuts and rub them through my shirt.

"Dont touch them, Rachel. We're gonna get you home and patch them up. They werent very deep but did cause a lot of blood." Max says to me, with care in his eyes.

I take out my phone, which now should have service and attempt to turn it on.

I click the home button, and again, and again. It's dead...

"Max." I say looking up from my phone to him "Can you order the tickets to New York?"

Max takes his phone out of his pocket and clicks it on.

"Doing it right now." He says.

"Order some for us too." Adam says looking in the review mirror.

No. They cant have their lives fucked up. They cant be put in danger because of us. I cant do that to them. They need to forget this ever happened.

"NO!" I say a little too loud. "You cant! I dont want you getting hurt!" I feel tears sting my eyes again.

"We are." Adam and Tim both say, but Mason says nothing.

"Max dont you dare, just order 2." I say a little forceful to Max.

Max at this point seems a bit intimidated by me and nods his head.

I probably seem insane right now..
I just need water and rest..

"Can you pass back the water?" I ask Tim.

I watch as he picks it up and my brain instantly snatches it out of his hand, knowing how desperate I am for water.

"We're almost home." Adam says. "So when we get there, both of you are getting rest and getting patched up and then we all go to New York."

I sigh, thinking how I will protect them. I dont want anyone else to get hurt..
I need to protect my family from this.
I need to make a hard choice.

I need to go alone.

"We're home."

New Life; Sequel to New Job- MithzanMax Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now