chapter 4

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Who are you imagine: part 4:

"Hey Kayla!" you said coming into your house. "How did it go?" she asked. "Great," you replied. "So, did you tell Liam yet?" she said nudging you. "Well," you said not looking at her. "You haven't told him yet, have you," she said irritated. "I'm going to tell him, when he gets back, and Niall said that he'll come with me," you said. "Whatever works as long as you tell him," she said, "anything else?" she added. "He, asked me to be his, girlfriend," you said blushing. "No way! My bestfriend has a real boyfriend!" she said excitedly, "where is he now?" "He's at his house, waiting for me," you giggled. "Why waiting?" she said puzzled. "Well, I spent the night at his house again, but you texted me so I wanted to talk to you, but after this I'm going back," you explained. "He's waiting?! Well, go to him! You don't have to talk to me just go, now!" she said pushing you out the door. "Have fun!" she said waving. "Bye!" you laughed. You drove back to his house and walked up to the door step. You knocked on the door and Niall ran to answer it. "You're back!" he said hugging you. "Did you miss me that much? I was only gone for about twenty minutes," you giggled. He set you down, and you noticed he looked a bit upset about something, but trying to cover it up. "What's wrong?" you asked. "N-Nothing's wrong, I'm just a little, tired," he said with a fake yawn. "Niall? Just tell me what's wrong," you said. He groaned and sat on the couch and beckoned you. You came into the house and sat next to him. "Well, when you left, my, ex-girlfriend showed up. And, she called you a slut." "Wh-" you got cut off as he said, "it made me pissed off, I tried to defend you as much as I could, but she kept bashing you. She also said that she'll have me again." "But, she hasn't even met me," you said frustrated. "I know, that's what made me so angry. And when we were together, she was just full of herself, and she had cheated on me. So, when she said that, she was just being a hypocrite," he said. "Why would she cheat on you?" you questioned. "I don't know, I gave her everything that she wanted. I was frustrated that she made me do that, so one day I was going to break up with her, but I found her kissing another guy," he sighed. "She didn't deserve someone as good as you. She took advantage of your kindness," you said sadly. "I don't know why I liked her, just she seemed nice the first time we met, and the first two weeks of our relationship, she was sweet, then she decided to show her real self," he said. "Well, I just want you to know that, I won't hurt you like that," you said giving him a kiss. "I know you would never do that. I will keep you safe, and never hurt you," he said holding you close to his chest. He said giving you a kiss on your head, "I love you." Your eyes went wide, and you went stiff. "Rachel?" he said. There was just a moment of silence. You then replied, "I love you too Niall. I really do." You felt him hug you tighter, and could sense that he felt happy with you. He had finally found his princess, and you had finally found your prince. -- You felt Niall's strong arms wrapped around you, keeping you safe. You gave him a small kiss, making him wake up. "Morning," he said sleepily. He rubbed his tired eyes, making you giggle. "You're so cute when you sleep," you said poking his cheeks. "You were watching me sleep?" he laughed. "Not that long," you giggled. "You little stalker," he laughed starting to tickle you. "No, no!" you said giggling, and squirming. He stopped shortly after, and you were trying to catch your breath. You then remembered that Liam would be coming back tomorrow. You moaned and Niall asked, "what's wrong?" "I just remembered that Liam's coming back tomorrow." "Don't worry, we're in this together," he said holding your hand. "Ok, but I'm just nervous." "I'll be right there by your side," he said. You felt butterflies in your stomach, you didn't know how Liam would react. He's supportive but, meeting this random guy that your sister's in love with, how would he feel about that? You just had to, hope for the best. "No matter what, if he likes it or not, I'll still be hopelessly in love with you," you said. He smiled and gave you a little kiss. "I'm going to go and get dressed," you said standing up and walking upstairs with your bag. "Can I come," he said quietly. "No you can't," you laughed. "It's my house, and my room, I can do what I want!" he said running over to you. He picked you up, bridal style, and carried you up to his room. "Niall!" you said trying to get out of his grip. He set you down on the bed and locked the door. "You can get dressed now," he said with a smirk on his face. "You suck!" you said laughing, "at least turn around." He faced the door, giggling to himself. "You're such a child," you giggled. You changed quickly and then tapped on his shoulder. "Wow, you changed fast," he said shocked. You went down the stairs with Niall behind you. "Do you want to do anything special today?" Niall asked. "Date night?" you replied. "Do you want to go to a movie, or dinner?" "We can just go to dinner then a movie," you said. "Sure," he said. Niall grabbed his computer then searched for movies playing. "These are some movies that are playing," he said. You came over and looked looked at some. "We can just do a movie here," he said. "That sounds better," you giggled, "where should we go for dinner?" you asked. "It'll be a surprise," he said with a wink. "What should I wear?" you asked. He looked at you with a puppy dog face and said, "can you wear that short, tight, black dress?" "Sure Niall," you giggled, "I'll get ready at my house." He whined, "aw, why?" "What?" you questioned. "Can you get ready over here?" he said. "No, it'll  be a surprise," you teased. He moaned and face planted on the couch. "I'll see you in a bit," you said walking out the door. "No, stay until its almost time for our date," he whined. "Ok, ok I'll stay," you laughed.  -- It was almost time for your date and you rushed home to get ready. You ran into your house and ran to your room. You found your dress and put it on. Then you came into the bathroom looking for your makeup. You put it on and started on your hair. Niall walked into your house and called, "Rachel?" "I'm up here Niall," you said, "but don't come up yet!" He whined again and sat on the stairs. You finally finished your hair, and your makeup was perfect. "I'm ready," you said coming down the stairs. Niall stood up and turned to you. He froze there, staring at your perfection. "You look, flawless," he managed to say. "Thanks," you said blushing. You grabbed some shoes, and opened the door. "Are you coming Niall?" you giggled. He snapped out of his fantasy, and held your hand. You both walked to the car, with Niall still silent. He started to drive to the restaurant he picked out for you. "Do I look ok for the date? I hope I'm not too dressy," you said brushing up, "Niall?" "What?" he said looking dazed. "I asked of I looked ok," you giggled. "You look perfect, and beautiful," he said giggling and blushing. "I don't look, too fancy?" "No, you dressed perfectly for tonight," he said. You pulled up shortly to your favorite restaurant. You gasped as you saw where you were going. "How did you know?" "I asked Kayla, but let's just say I knew that it was your favorite place," he laughed. "Ok, we'll give you the credit," you giggled. You walked in and the waiter guided you to your table. As you were walking with Niall, guys started to notice you. One whistled and one couldn't keep his eyes off of you. Niall turned around and gave them dirty looks. You sat down and Niall sat across. "Thank you so much," you said. "Anything for my girl," he said with a faint smile. He looked around at the restaurant and still saw guys checkin you out. He groaned and you said, "what?" "Those guys are checkin you out, I don't like it," he said with his arms crossed. You smiled and said, "maybe you're just jealous." "I am not!" he said with his face getting red. "You're blushing right now!" you laughed. "I am not," he whined. You gave him a kiss on his nose making his blushing go down. "I'm just jealous because they're looking at you, but you're mine," he said. "Of course I'm your's," you giggled. "I love you," he said holding your hand. "I love you too," you smiled. - After dinner you drove back to his house for a movie. You sat on the couch while he made popcorn. "What do you want to watch?" you asked. "Whatever you want to watch babe." "Well, we went to the restaurant that I wanted, so let's watch what you want," you replied. He came with a big bowl and set it on the coffee table. He picked up the remote and scrolled through some on demand movies. "This is getting uncomfortable," you groaned. "What is?" he asked. "This dress," you whined, "I just want it off!" His eyes went wide and he grew stiff again. "Um, maybe you could, uh," he stuttered. "I could just run to my house real quick," you said getting up. "Wait! Maybe you could just wear one of my t-shirts," he said, "it's like a, long dress," he laughed. You gave him a little look, like you knew he was thinking of something. "I'm not falling for any of your tricks Horan!" you said. "It's not a trick I swear! I'm just saying it would be more comfy," he said blushing. "Whatever," you sighed then went to his room. You picked out a shirt and put it on. "I feel even more uncomfortable now," you said trying to pull the shirt down. He came over and picked you up to put you on the couch. "I can get you a blanket," he said. "Sure," you said with your arms crossed. The movie was starting but you couldn't figure out which one it was. You stare at the screen with a puzzled look. He put the blanket around your legs and he cuddled real close. "Thank you," you laughed. "Anything for you babe," he said giving you a kiss. "W-What movie are we watching?" you asked. "We're watching," he paused trying to be dramatic, "Paranormal Activity!" You covered your face with the blanket, you absolutely hated this movie because it scared you so bad. "No! I don't want to watch this!" you said. "Babe, I'll be right here beside you to cuddle with you," he said hugging you. "But I hate this movie!" you said. "Just stay close to me," he said. You groaned and let the movie play. A bit after the movie started, there was a intense part, you knew a ghost would pop out. "I can't watch this part!" you said covering your face again. "Don't worry, it's a different scene," he said uncovering you. "Really?" you said quietly, "you promise?" "Yes, I promise." You looked at the screen and the ghost popped out which made you scream. You put your face in a pillow, while Niall laughed. "You're a jerk!" you said kicking him. "Babe, I'm sorry, but I had to do it," he said still laughing. "No it wasn't!" you said crying a little. "Aw, babe, I'm sorry," he said crawling over you to give you a kiss. "No," you said trying to push him away. "Babe," he whined. He pinned both of your arms down and you squirmed. He smashed his lips onto yours, and you lay there helpless. You tried to wriggle out of his grip, but it was useless, he was too strong for you. He started trailing kisses onto your neck making you giggle. "See, I knew you liked it," he said. "No, I'm still mad at you," you said trying to be serious, but his kisses were too ticklish. "Stop!" you laughed. His hands went up your sides, making you have goosebumps. He started to lift up your shirt, but you stopped him. "What babe?" he said. "I've never done this before," you said quietly. He replied, "it'll be fine, I'll guide you through it." You nodded slowly but unsure. He lifted the shirt above your head and put it on the ground. "I love you," he said giving you a kiss. You replied, "love you too."  -- You fluttered your eyes open, then looking at Niall, remembering what happened last night. But then you remembered Liam is coming back today. You shook Niall lightly to wake him up. "Morning sleepy head," you giggled. "Morning babe," he said kissing you, "last night was amazing." "It was great," you said with a happy sigh. Then you thought about Liam. "What will I say to Liam." "About, last night," he said. "Ya, I just don't think he'll be ok with that," you said, "maybe I won't tell him till the right time." "No matter what, I'll always be right beside you," he winked. "Thank you," you said, "I'm going to freshen up," you added going to get a towel. "I'll make us some breakfast," he said putting on a shirt, walking down the stairs. After your shower, you got dressed, then came down to see Niall singing while cooking. You giggled at the sight of it, then Niall turned around but started to sing to you. You were blushing as he sang the song. "You have an amazing singing voice," you said giggling. "Thank you madam," he said pretending to sound proper. Your phone started to buzz from a text. "It's probably from Liam," you said picking it up. 'Hey sis! I'm here! We're getting a rental car to take us back, but it might take a little bit. I'll see you in about an hour. Love ya!' You replied, 'yay! Can't wait, I have a little surprise for you when you get here.' You sent the message then looked puzzled. "What did he mean by 'we'?" Then you remembered, Harry. "Oh gosh!" "What?" Niall asked. "Um, I completely forgot about Harry! What will I say to him? I'll just say, sorry I never gave you a chance but I already have someone, but thanks," you said worriedly. "It'll be fine, you just have to tell Liam the surprise, then talk to Harry in private about it," Niall said trying to calm you down. "Ok, I'm just going to have to break it to him. I mean, we were never in a relationship so it won't break his heart, that bad," you mumbled. "It'll be fine, I promise," he said, "and, Liam and I can chat," he smiled reassuringly. "Ok, at least you'll be there," you sighed. "If it makes you feel better, I can dress really fancy," he laughed. He was wearing a snapback with a tank top, and sporty shirts. "No, you look great," you giggled, and you kissed him on the lips.  -- It was finally time to tell Liam about Niall. You were still worried how he would react, would he be happy, or would he be mad? All you could do was hope for the best. You and Niall drove to your house where Liam was meeting you. You pulled up in the driveway, and Liam wasn't quite here yet. Niall held your hand as you walk up to the door. You open the door set down your bag on the table. You paced back and forth just waiting for him to pull up in the driveway, and with your stomach doing flips all at once. "It's going to be ok," Niall said holding you. "I just don't know what he'll say, what if he doesn't let me see you?" you said. "I'll see you no matter what, because I love you so much," Niall said giving you a kiss. You heard a car pull up and you looked outside. You saw Liam taking out his bags from the trunk. Then you saw Harry open the door and start to help Liam. You felt even more nervous seeing them right in front of you. Liam noticed you watching them, and he smiled and waved excitedly. He grabbed his suitcases and ran up to the door. "Oh gosh, I don't think I can do this," you said feeling pale. He explained to you, "here, first you say hi and visit with him, then you'll say, 'can I show you the surprise?' then I'll come from upstairs and you can introduce me. Ok?" "That sounds like it'll work," you said. "It will, I promise, ok, go answer the door!" he said running up the stairs. You took a deep breath in, then out. You walked up to the door and opened it. "Rachel!" Liam said giving you a huge huh, with little kisses on your cheek. "Liam," you said laughing. "I missed you!" he said with the biggest smile on his face. "I did too," you giggled. "I brought someone too, Harry!" he said pointing at Harry. "Hey Rachel," Harry said waving. "Hi Harry," you replied. "Um, about that, Liam," you started. "What is it? Don't you like him?" he said with sad face. "No, it's not that, he's nice, and really attractive too, but um, what I'm trying to say to you, is part of my surprise. I've been hiding it from you because I was worried of what you would think," you said. "What's your surprise then?" he asked looking pretty concerned. "Niall, come on out," you said. "Niall?!" Liam questioned, seeming a little mad. Niall came down the stairs slowly, and came right next to you, and held your hand. "This is my, boyfriend. Niall Horan," you said. Liam looked shocked and his jaw dropped. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you Liam, but I just didn't really know, how to tell you about this," you apologized. "Well, this is a surprise. But um, does he treat you well?" he said with a serious look on his face. "Yes, of course, he would never do anything to hurt me, he's just perfect, and Liam," you paused,  "I love him." "Well, if you truly love him, I'll support you guys," he said with a smile. You felt like a huge weight was lifted off of your shoulders. You could feel Niall sigh in relief. "But, you do probably need to tell Harry," Liam said looking over at him. "I'll be right back," you said letting go of Niall's hand. You went out to talk to Harry and Liam started to chat with Niall. "So, you really love my sister," he said. "Yes I do, and I just want to protect her from anything that can hurt her," Niall answered firmly. "I just want you to know, that if you ever, hurt her, at all, I will murder you. She's my little sister and I'm the one to protect her from the guys that will break her heart. You got that?" Liam said seriously. "I understand, I would never dream of it, but if I do, you can do anything to anything to hurt me," Niall said. "I see, well, you seem like a good guy for my sister. She really loves you, and you love her. So, welcome to the family," Liam said holding out his hand. Niall shook his hand and replied, "thank you." - As you walk out to talk to Harry, he smiled as he saw you. "Hey Rachel, you look stunning." "Thanks Harry, but um, can I, talk to you about something?" you said. "Sure, anything," he said. You stuttered as you tried to say the right words, "well, uh, I know you really like me, and you seem like a really great guy but um, I, have a boyfriend." Harry went silent and looked down. "I'm sorry, but, I should have told you this sooner. But, I didn't even tell Liam until now, because I didn't know what to say," you said. "It's fine, it is, really. I didn't get to know you that well anyway, and um, it's fine," he stuttered. "Harry, it's fine if you feel bad, i mean, I feel terrible telling you this, I really do, but," you were cut off by a text, it was from Kayla. You then just thought of a brilliant idea. "There is someone I know who would like someone as nice as you," you smiled. "What?" he asked. "My friend Kayla is smart, beautiful, funny, nice, and she would really like someone as attractive, nice, and cute as you," you giggled. "Well um," he thought about it, "I guess, I could meet her." "Believe me, she is perfect for you," you said. "Ok, she seems great," he smiled. "Here, come inside, you've been on a plane for at least 17 hours!" you said pulling him in. Harry walked in with you and Niall saw Harry and froze. "Hey Rachel, can I pull you aside for a minute?" Niall said. He grabbed your arm and pulled you into the other room. "That's him! That's the guy!" Niall said. "What do you mean, he's the guy?" you questioned. "He's the one that my ex-girlfriend kissed!" he said frustrated. "What?! How can Harry be the one?" you asked, "does he know you? Like, what happened?" "He remembers, but during my relationship with her, he didn't know about me, and I certainly didn't know about him. She's just the one that found the both of us and decided to be with us!" he said. "I know he would never take someone's girlfriend," you said. "It's not his fault, I'm just saying it's him," he whispered. You sighed, "this is going to be awkward." 

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